The implementation of IT technology in school staff and student's everyday life

Project facts

Project promoter:
School Centre Novo mesto, Secondary School Metlika
Project Number:
Target groups
Schools and other institutions providing education and/or training at all levels
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 1,618
The project is carried out in:
Jugovzhodna Slovenija


The objective of the project is to observe the use of IT technology in school staff ("job shadowing") and teachers' use of IT tools - research work - and use of IT in everyday communication between teachers. The project will make an analysis of school staff that use IT and identify (dis)similarities between Iceland and Slovenia. The project goals are: to raise awareness of learners for them to use IT in a smart way, and to gather different approaches in learning, educating and to disseminate these techniques in other countries (examples of good practices). Together with the project partner, the Menntaskolinn a Egilsstödum in Iceland, the Slovene school aims to find effective strategies for using IT tools in teaching and to conduct a bilateral research study on the use of these tools in school and everyday life. The Icelandic partner school will provide a programme for the Slovene teacher/participant and will carry out the evaluation of the mobility and assist in dissemination of the project's results.

Summary of project results

This project was needed because After monitoring different schools in Slovenia/abroad and the use of IT in young adolescents it is obvious that students are a digital generation, multitask capable, however becoming social isolated from the society. The question is, how to learn them to use IT with purpose. The results will be sustained with disseminating them in different research studies and papers. Objective. Observation of the use of IT technology in school subjects ("job shadowing") and the student's use of IT tools; research work - use of IT in everyday communication in students; analysis of school subjects which use IT -(dis) similarity between Iceland and Slovenia. The objective was reached completely! Impact: extremely good future cooperation with the Iceland partner and future work in the field of IT and it’s use in secondary students. Outcome: very interesting cooperation and observing of a total different school system (in Iceland). Observing included monitoring of students (8 days in school during different school subjects). Achieved totally (all the data collected). Outputs: bilateral study (SLO + Iceland) … data is analyzed, comparisons between 2 schools have taken place in order to see the differences/similarities between 2 school systems. Completely achieved. Involvement of beneficiaries: complete involvement in the everyday school life (from 8 a.m till 4 p.m.). The main benefit: to have the chance to observe students as actually a member of the school and to see their reactions, involvement in the lessons and to get a direct feedback of everything what is happening in the classroom. Observation also of students during their free time … between lessons, very valuable and interesting to see how they use their IT equipment. A very interesting and valuable cooperation between 2 partners which are totally different.

Summary of bilateral results

Technical contribution of the project to bilateral results was the organization of the job shadowing in their school so that actually all the school subjects were covered in order to see the use of IT equipment in classrooms and the behaviour of students, while the professional contribution was the help with setting up the time schedules, and bilateral research study. Another partnership achievement was a very fruitful happening and cooperation. They continued with the cooperation and in 2015, with additional Latvian partner from Nereta applied for another Norway grant (under Measure 5). They managed to get the needed points, but due to insufficient financial resources were put on the “reserve list”. The main idea was to continue the work, and they still plan on doing so under other programmes.