Systematic data collection is crucial for monitoring the implementation and assessing the impact of public policies in the framework of the Strategy of the Government of Romania for the Inclusion. The main objective is to contribute in combating the social exclusion of Roma by providing the tools and developing the capacities necessary for the alleviation of socio-economic inequalities. Specific objectives are proposed: to develop a set of indicators for monitoring progress of Roma inclusion at local level; to develop and test data analysis tools, to establish, train and consolidate a network of field operators; to develop a network of community focal points for monitoring; to promote the understanding and the use of data generated and the networks established by public authorities. The outcomes are effective monitoring of Roma integration strategies, empowerment of local communities, facilitated access to information on the Roma communities, improved capacity for targeted interventions. The direct beneficiaries are all the stakeholders involved. The promoter and the partners signed a partnership agreement and set up a framework of collaboration.
Summary of project results
The SocioRoMap project proposed as its main objective to contribute in combating the social exclusion of Roma by providing research tools and developing local networks for data collection. The novelty of the project is represented by its clear focus on local level in data gathering, analysis and data validation, as well as by involvement of a large number of local resource. One of the most important problem in area of modeling public policy to real needs of beneficiaries is represented by lack of systematic data collection, which is crucial for monitoring implementation and assessing impact of such policies for social inclusion. The project should be seen as a model for using local resources and structures for strengthening local support networks in monitoring and data collection. These are important elements for process of monitoring the progress on Roma inclusion and several elements of this model should be replicated or multiplied domestically and internationally.The project activities were organized in 9 working packages and all activities were implemented according to the initial plan with small deviations coming from the coordination of the field research and data collection. Due to these problems, the project promotor prolonged the activities with three months. This prolongation had an important impact on the implementation of the rests of working packages. The project promotor had the possibility to prolong the whole project duration until April 2017, ensuring in this manner a proper implementation of the activities regarding data analysis and syntheses.The most important project outcomes are: research methodologies specific for rural settlements, small and medium towns and the areas of Roma population concentration in big cities; specific and relevant research tools in line with the methodologies (questionnaires, guide interviews); local functional networks of experts for gathering data; partnership with NGOs/institutions for gathering data; databases regarding profile of communities and statistical profiles at local level; interactive maps regarding the socio-demographic and economic profile of compact Roma communities (781 maps and 40 descriptions of compact communities); crowdsourcing and online platform for the databases; cooperation with European Union Fundamental Rights Agency for replication of the research tools; final research report, 4 brochures and 17 communities studies.
Summary of bilateral results