The main goal of DIIP’s activity is to increase the citizens’ safety based on the improving co-operation between law enforcement agencies within EU and Schengen area, in fighting against organized crime, therefore DIIP has the responsibility to ensure a high quality intelligence cycle management, having as final purpose the dissemination of good quality intelligence products to the various beneficiaries also within and outside of the MoAI. This project is in line with relevant public plans such as National Strategy on Public Order, National Strategy on Defense, the Strategy on MoIA for security and public order for increasing of citizens safety and preventing of street criminality, EU Strategy for Internal Security. The overall objective focuses on strengthening the cooperation with law enforcement authorities from Schengen Member States in order to combat organized crime and related crimes, as well as illegal migration, cybercrime and trafficking in human beings. The project aims to bring an institutional added value by introducing in the daily routine the best practices resulted from the project, allowing the beneficiary to adopt the newest solutions used within the aimed fields of activity. After the project is implemented the following outcome is previsioned: the capacity of DIIP to fight organized crimes and illegal migration improved. The target group of the project is represented by DIIP personnel from central and territorial structures, as well as Moldavian specialists. At least 110 specialists from the target group will be trained through the project. The project Beneficiaries: the institutions with which DIIP is cooperating, as well as the citizens - the results of the activity carried on by DIIP have as beneficiaries all ministries, other central and territorial public administration state bodies with attributions in the field of national security, public authorities and institutions, and NGOs. No donor partner was involved in the project.
Summary of project results
Fulfilled output indicators: - number of institutions with improved technical capacity: 1 out of 1 - number of police officers trained on combating cross-border and organized crime: 154 out of 110 The main objective of the project was to improve the technical capacity of the DIIP and to cooperate with the law enforcement authorities of the Schengen Member States in the fight against organized crime and illegal migration in order to increase the security of EU citizens, and in this respect, all the activities carried out within the project aimed at achieving this objective by obtaining the following results: - 118 IT & C equipments and 3 special equipment purchased, needed to improve and increase the efficiency of the information activities; - 3 training modules organized in the fields of: organized crime, information security and technical specialty, during which 154 people (144 staff of the DIIP and 10 of the MIA of the Republic of Moldova) were trained- transfer of know- how and skills training on new models and approaches to tackling the criminal phenomenon, taking into account its latest developments as well as the expertise of international specialists; - a study visit to law enforcement institutions in the UK, attended by 15 (DIIP staff), and which has strengthened the knowledge gained during training sessions on organized crime; - a feasibility study, which will be the necessary justification for the approval of the investment objective "Modernization of the DIIP Training Center of Dumbrăviţa, Braşov County" at the MoAI / Government of Romania level. Two of the sub-activities of the project were not completed, respectively: - the purchase of 4 cars with specific equipment: 4 public procurement procedures were organized during the eligibility period that have not been successful; PP purchased the 4 vehicles in the next year from its own budget; - the acquisition of the technical execution project (upgrade of a training facility): the value of the investment objective resulted from the elaboration of the feasibility study exceeded the value of 30 million lei; in this regard, in order to continue the process, a specific approval from the inter-ministerial technical-economic council and a Government Decision are necessary. This legal procedure usually lasts over 12 months and the period remaining for the implementation of the project was approximately 5 months, so the PP will perform the study from its own budget.
Summary of bilateral results