The objective of the project is to increase the citizens security by enhancing cooperation between law enforcement agencies international agencies and NGOs in fighting illegal migration and organized crime. The geo-strategic position of Romania makes our country responsible for the management of EU external border, which requires a high control level of the border. Approximately 2000km - the border with Moldavia 681,3km, Ukraine 649,4km, the Black Sea 193,5km and the border to Serbia 546,6km - represent external borders of the EU. Thus the prevention and countering measures of illegal migration represent interest aspects not only for Romania but also for the European Union. The project’s objective shall be addressed by activities aiming to stimulate, promote and develop horizontal methods and tools necessary for strategically preventing and fighting against illegal migration and guaranteeing security, public order and protection of human rights promote and develop coordination, cooperation and mutual understanding among law enforcement agencies other national authorities and related Union bodies promote and develop best practices for admission of refugees and in investigating organized crime networks involved in smuggling of migrants The project should achieve the following results: establishment of partnerships between all relevant actors for exchanging good practices and establishing guidelines on cooperation agreements; developing new, or implementing of already existing tools/instruments; exchange of best practices on financial investigations; raised level of knowledge and awareness The beneficiaries of the project are the Directorate for Countering Illegal Migration and Cross-border Criminality within the GIBP of Romania and the counterpart authorities from the partner countries. The target groups are all the border police officers within the partner countries specialized institutions in combatting of cross-border crime phenomena
Summary of project results
The Romanian Border Police is making huge efforts to ensure a proper surveillance and control of the borders, and this project contributed to this important mission. To achieve the expected outcome and ensure a safe environment in Europe, it is very important to pay attention to the border integrated management. In this respect, even if this project has been a quite small one, it was important considering the fact that it contributed to create a very good exchange of experience between Romania, Moldova and Hungary in the border issues, as Romania is a transition country in terms of mapping criminal corridors. Through the project implementation the cooperation with neighboring non-Schengen countries on combating illegal migration and human smuggling was improved. The activities focused on exchange of information and good practices regarding the illegal migration, new modus-operandi and routes of crime, developing new tools and models regarding the detection, investigation and prosecution of the cross-border organized criminal groups, having into regard to the fight against the violation of human rights. 4 study visits and 1 workshop were organized in Romania, Moldova and Hungary, and the specialists of the 3 countries worked together and issued a trilingual Handbook of best practices in investigating cross-border organized crime in THB (hard copy and CD), that was distributed to authorities from RO, HU and MD. The handbook was edited in 1000 copies. Also, through this project, 4 investigation and recognition rooms were renovated, at the S-W border with Serbia, which is a non EU country, and where important illegal activities are recorded.
Summary of bilateral results