The project is addressing the specific needs of vulnerable groups such as Roma, and their need for information and raised awareness regarding the seriousness and consequences of domestic violence. Such violence impacts not only those who become victims, but also family members who witness it. The project will carry out an awareness raising campaign focusing on the existence of the domestic violence phenomenon in the central region, namely the counties of Brasov, Covasna, Harghita, Mures, Alba, and Sibiu counties. The campaign targets particularly those belonging to vulnerable groups and communities with substantial Roma populations. The project aims to raise awareness and sensitizes local communities on the subject of domestic violence through articles, press releases, interviews, radio and TV broadcasts through local media. Moreover, the project will facilitate access to support services for victims of domestic violence and develop an anti-violence operational plan, which will include strategies to prevent and combat violence. The target group consists of 1,500 persons belonging to vulnerable groups (in 10 communities with a high proportion of Roma) that will take part in information sessions and 150 people (100 women and 50 children), victims of domestic violence, which will benefit from social counselling and social programs.
Summary of project results
The project aimed at contributing to better inform the population pertaining to vulnerable groups, including Roma, about the consequences of domestic violence phenomenon on victims as well as on witnessing family members. The objective of the project was to carry out a regional awareness campaign on the domestic violence phenomenon (the counties of Brasov, Covasna, Harghita, Mures, Alba and Sibiu) targeting vulnerable groups of population, including communities with high percentage of Roma ethnics. To this purpose, the project included a three folded approach Component 1: Raising awareness of and sensitizing the local communities regarding domestic violence through street events, interviews, radio and TV local broadcasting, through local media; Component 2: Facilitating the access to support services for the victims of domestic violence; Component 3: Developing an anti-violence operational plan which includes measures to prevent and combat violence. The objective of the project was fully achieved. The outcome “Domestic violence reduced” was achieved through specific project outputs, described below: - 20 street events - type caravan organized, attended by 1820 people, which were informed about the domestic violence phenomenon - 6 flash mob representations performed with a view to draw attention to domestic violence phenomenon - 30 testimonials of domestic violence victims gathered and subsequently 1 short film realized - 1 TV spot and 1 radio spot broadcasted (18, respectively 24 times), concerning the domestic violence phenomenon - 116 women and 59 children victims of domestic violence counseled by a psychologist - a survey conducted on the awareness of the Roma population about the existence of a law governing the prevention and combating of domestic violence; - a training session performed, thus 27 Roma people being trained in domestic violence field, as well as in what concerns the facilitating the participation of Roma community members in local projects - an anti-violence operational plan developed, with a view to prevent and combat violence; the aforementioned plan should be implemented by the promoter together with partners such as NGO’s or public institutions, through future projects which will be developed.
Summary of bilateral results