Summary of project results
The project has addressed three main issues in Romania: the increased infant mortality, which is the highest in Europe at 9.1 /1000 births vs. a 5% European average, and neonatal mortality, which is at 5.3 vs. 2.7 for EU28, partially due to high-risk pregnancy; the increased maternal mortality ratio, which is 33 per 100 000 live births vs. 17 in Europe, partially due to maternal thrombosis, and the increased death rate due to diseases of the circulatory system (1029 /100.000 inhabitants in RO vs. 432 for EU28); and the predeceased access to up-to-date diagnostic and prognostic tests for hematological malignancy patients, including pregnant women. The main achievements of the project were: renovation of the laboratories and care units was done, press conferences to launch and close the project were organized, website and social accounts created and functional, 100% equipment and reagents were purchased, the investigations and therapeutic procedures completed until 30th of April 2017 (1016 infants hospitalized in NICU and Premature Compartment, of which 376 hospitalized in the intensive care unit (TINN) and 568 preterm infants, referrals to other hospitals: 27 cases transferred to other hospital, gynecology: 1516 patients enrolled in the program, 3370 monitoring cardiotocographs, 86 colposcopy, 1500 tests for each of the following analytes: antithrombin, protein C, factor V Leyden, protein S, lupus anticoagulant screening, confirmation lupus anticoagulant factor, 630 homocysteine tests, 100 secondary screening tests (MTHFR, PAI1, Factor XIII mutations and polymorphisms), 1540 tests screening genetic mutations, 500 TORCH tests, 20 markers by flow cytometry test per case, 494 molecular biology and cytogenetic tests for hematology), 3 training program for users SUUB (ultrasound gynecology department and automated system for automatic extraction of nucleic acids, hematology and molecular pathology), 8 scientific papers presented at the forth National Conference of Romanian Society of Hemostasis and Thrombosis, Bucharest, 5-7 November 2015. For additional information please visit The project represents a best practice in health area and it represents the commitment of the Ministry of Health efforts to increase the access and the quality of the health services provided to the population with focus on disadvantaged population. The project results will be used for new projects financed by European Structural Funds 2014-2020 in health sector.