Despite some progress achieved in recent years, the E-health system in the Romanian healthcare system is known to have major structural and functional deficiencies. One key deficiency is the lack of disease and procedures registries that are commonly available in other European countries. With few exceptions, existing disease registries have suboptimal quality and/or geographical coverage, are rather institutional and not population-based. Romania has a high burden of chronic diseases, substantial higher than in most European countries. Patient registries are critical in assessing the quality of health outcomes and in assessing economic outcomes. Therefore, they have a great role in informing clinical and policy decision-making. The main results of the project will be: 5 assessment reports and 5 methodologies for each registry elaborated or revised; 5 registries are developed or upgraded in a single IT platform; 250 persons trained; and 100 persons present in project conferences/ workshops and legislative proposals.
Summary of project results
Despite some progress achieved in recent years, the E-health system in the Romanian healthcare system is known to have major structural and functional deficiencies. One key deficiency is the lack of disease and procedures registries that are commonly available in other European countries. With few exceptions, existing disease registries have suboptimal quality and/or geographical coverage, are rather institutional and not population-based. Romania has a high burden of chronic diseases, substantial higher than in most European countries. Patient registries are critical in assessing the quality of health outcomes and in assessing economic outcomes. Therefore, they have a great role in informing clinical and policy decision-making. The main achievements of the project at output level are: 1 IT platform and 5 registries developed and functional (Regional cancer registries (RCR), National electronic registry on vaccination (RENV), communicable diseases registry (CDR), Toxicological Information Registry, Environmental hazards for health registry), 343 persons trained in using diseases registries, 5 drafts of Ministerial Order for disease registries elaborated and sent for Ministry of Health approval. The project has contributed to the strengthening the institutional capacity of clinical management, policy decision making and prioritization of resources.
Summary of bilateral results