Business Environmental Approach for Sustainable Use and Recovery of Resources - BESURE

Project facts

Project promoter:
SC Andacord Impex SRL
Project Number:
Target groups
Small and medium-sized enterprises (SME)
Initial project cost:
Final project cost:
From Norway Grants:
€ 0
The project is carried out in:

More information


The Project objective (outcome) is to contribute to the realization of business opportunities of greening Europe economy, lessening social and economic disparities & strengthen bilateral relations between Norway and Romania through implementing effective environmental & waste management processes for plastic treatment. The project activities / outputs: - Area to be refurbished, to locate the investment, expressed in sqm and values - Purchasing of waste processing line - 1 piece - Purchase of power transformer - 1 piece - Weighing station (20 t) - 1 piece - Water intake (min 100m deep) - 1 piece - Hydro pump - 1 piece - Wastewater collecting/treating system upgrade - Installation & testing during the implementation period - Assistance secured by the Norwegian partner in defining and selection process of equipment to be purchased - Assistance secured by the Norwegian partner in instructing the employees on how to operate the processing line - Assistance delivered by the Norwegian partner in handling water and solid waste -new jobs created, by employing 9 ROMA persons from Calugareni area.

Summary of project results

Ref. project RO17-0009.

Summary of bilateral results

Project terminated. Bilaetral results achieved in project RO17-0009.