Green efficiency in professional laundry services for working clothing

Project facts

Project promoter:
SC Promar Textil SRL
Project Number:
Target groups
Small and medium-sized enterprises (SME)
Final project cost:
From Norway Grants:
€ 350,000
The project is carried out in:


The specific project objective is the replacing of the existing washing technology based on rotary washing machines with water extraction by centrifugation (Extractor washing machines) from the Industrial Uniforms Department with an automatic washing line for uniforms based on a tunnel washer with the possibility of rinsing facility. Through this refurbishment, the consumption of water / energy / detergents and obviously waste water will be reduced up to 5 times. Within the project, Promar Textil wants to replace existing washing technology based on rotary washing machines with water extraction by centrifugation (Extractor washing machines) from the Industrial Uniforms Department with a new, state-of-the-art automatic washing line for uniforms based on a tunnel washer with the possibility of RINSING facility. Through this refurbishment, the consumption of water / energy / detergents and obviously waste water will be reduced. A significant transfer of Norwegian know-how and experience into the Romanian market will be attained by the joint implementation of the present project, with high implications in the value chain of the laundry service unit.

Summary of project results

Within the project, Promar Textil replaced old washing technology based on rotary washing machines with water extraction by centrifugation (Extractor washing machines) from the Industrial Uniforms Department with a new, state-of-the-art automatic washing line for uniforms based on a tunnel washer with the possibility of high speed rinsing technology. The consumption of water / energy / detergents and obviously waste water will be reduced approximately up to 5 times, together with an several others greening improvements of the process flow. After the implementation of the project, the laundry service was offered to clients with a low consumption of natural resources – 82.8% reduction in water consumption and 75% reduction of energy consumption (gas) The superior efficiency of the new technology enables a reduced specific consumption of detergent, thus enhancing superior material efficiency (25% reduction of detergent consumption) At the same time, the reduced consumption of detergent involves a reduced disposal of waste detergent/ water. The new technology facilitates re-using of waste water into the washing process  improved waste water management The green impacts indicated above – reduction in water, energy and detergent consumption – result in significant cost savings for the company, hence improving the general business efficiency Furthermore, the input provided by the Norwegian partner – Technology Efficiency Audit –proved/ enhance the positive effects of the investment

Summary of bilateral results

The Norwegian Project Partner, with wide experience in developing and implementing projects in the field of lean management applied for different industries, was involved in the activities for leaning the value chain of the laundry service unit, along with development and implementation of the management & tracking system of the textile items, in coordination with Promar Textil. The Norwegian partner was conducted a Technological Efficiency Audit, in line with the following activities: - Establishing a baseline for the present production line, with a Lean Audit combined with the measurement of spent resources, measured per kg. of laundry. This was be done on site. - After the implementation of the new tunnel washer, the partner had done the Lean audit and the measurement of spent resources, measured per kg. of laundry, on site. - Issuing a report based on the results compare the results with other laundries (using open sources). The report included suggested improvements for increased quality and effectiveness.