The main objective of this project is to improve the recyclable materials collection rates and to reduce environmental impact of the waste of electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE). The main result of the project is planned to become a local solution for Iasi City (and a national example) to various problems regarding the WEEE and other waste collection streams: low WEEE and other recyclable waste collection rates, ineffective municipal recyclable waste collection infrastructure, WEEE losses in iron scrap flows, lack of accurate data regarding WEEE generated at the municipal/national level. The main objective of the project is to establish one municipal waste collection center, first of this kind in Romania. The secondary activity of the project is the establishment of a street WEEE collection system, composed of 15 street containers for small WEEE collection such as calculators, radios, etc.It is planned that this system will collected around 15 tons of WEEE/year. The third activity of the project consists of a study of WEEE generated in Romania.
Summary of project results
The main objective of the project was to improve the production of recyclable material and reduce the environmental impact through improvement of methods and quantities collection wastes of WEEE. After project completion the following have been deliverd: 1. Municipal Collection Center built in Iasi Municipality + awareness campaign 2. WEEE street collection system + awareness campaign -> 15 containers for small WEEE collection placed in Bucharest, District 3 3. Study of WEEE generated The most important change that ha occured after project implementation could be regarded as significant. The aspect of public private partnership is also a characteristic that did result as a planned otucome. The highlight of the project is the implementation of Municipal Collection Center in Iasi in partnership with Iasi Municipality and the operator delegated by the Municipality for waste management in Iasi, Salubris The promoter can declare that Iasi Municipal Collection Center will be an example for follow by more local authorities as part of their waste management strategies. This will increase the importance of this Center and will determine an increase involvement in Iasi Municipality and Romanian Government in promoting this center.
Summary of bilateral results
This center aims to become a local solution for Iasi and an example of best practices at national level. In this respect, the cooperation with the partners has resulted in lean management and transfer of - know-how in waste management from a different perspective. The contribution had in view the experience exchange. The different perspective registered a plus in by enhancing contacts managed by the partner with similar organizations. The partner was also relevant to understand exactly the business, the scope and to have previous experience in developing projects with similar objectives