In Harghita County illegal logging, deforestation and wood theft are a challenge. Wood is becoming more and more expensive because it is managed and used in an unsustainable way. There is a big lack of knowledge related to sustainable forest management and soil protection which creates an unsustainable situation for the environment and for people living in the rural area as well. The objective of the project is to develop an eco innovative business model in order to offer a viable solution in green waste management for disadvantaged rural communities. The project will focus on developing sustainable green waste management system and on rising awareness about the sustainable use of the forests, pastures and meadows. Beneficiaries: community forest owners (compossesorates), private forest owners, farmers and other forest and land owners, local authorities and disadvantaged people from the target rural area.
Summary of project results
The project was implemented in the disadvantaged region of Harghita County, where the most important natural resources are forests, pastures and meadows, which in the latest years were exposed to the hazards created by the community members themselves. The implemented project aimed to give a sustainable and environmental friendly solution to these problems, by offering service, consultancy and information sessions about the importance of the forest, pastures and meadows for our ecosystem. By establishing a biomass heating system it was demonstrated how can be used green waste for creating alternative energy for heating. The project’s main objectives were achieved by: 1.creating a wood waste processing system in order to produce wood chips for heating and other uses, like agriculture. 2.establishing a meadows and pastures cleaning service in order to eliminate burnings. 3.creating 9 green jobs from which 4 jobs for disadvantaged youngsters. A biomass boiler 300 kw was installed and a biomass bunker 10 m3 also was built. Technical equipment was procured and 1495 m3 wood chips were produced during 2015, from which 489 m3 has been sold and 210 m3 was used to heat project promoter's workshops on 800 m2 during 2015. The rest of 796 m3 wood chip was stored for selling to clients and for own use at promoter's workshop during January-April of 2016. 1644 m3 wood chips were produced during 2016, from which 1082 m3 has been sold and 300 m3 was used to heat promoter's workshops on 800 m2 during 2016. Surface for cleaning meadows and pastures: in 2015, 370 ha of meadows and pastures have been cleaned and in 2016, 307 ha.
Summary of bilateral results
The partnership developed with the Norwegian partner Norges Vel consisted in knowledge transfer towards project promoter and communities targeted by the project. On the first workshop, the Norwegian experts discussed topics such as renewable energy sources, methods of green waste management, as well as other environmental protection related topics. The second workshop was about technical production of alternative heating systems, production of quality wood-chips, drying and storage conditions, soil protection, facilities in the green waste management. The third workshop held by Norwegian experts targeted topics such as Producing quality wood chips (drying, storaging, producing). The workshops held by the Norvegian partner had a positive effect on the sustainability of the project. In the future it is expected the growth of biomass demand which contributes to the sustainability of the project. The presence of the Norvegian lecturers increased the authenticity of the project’s utility. They could prove with concrete examples for the workshop participants the importance of wood waste utilization. They presented the various application possibilities and their impact on the environment. The published articles regarding the project contributed greatly to the ensurance of the project’s visibility.