Summary of project results
The project was developed as a response to the regional context of limited support for the commercialization of innovative ideas, in particular eco-innovative ideas, as well as limited collaboration between the regional stakeholders (research institutes, universities and businesses). Most promising eco-innovative products with potential for commercialization were identified and supported with customized services. 5 beneficiaries were awarded with grants in value of 10.000 euro each, for the best innovative products/ideas within the 2014 and 2015 Regional Innovation Competitions organized. 10 first ranked participants at the 2014 edition of the Competition attended the Intellectual Property and Innovation Management Training Session. Two consultancy sessions on commercialization, marketing and internationalization, as well as one European Intellectual Property coaching session were delivered to the first 3 winners of the 2014 competition. Also, a 3D printer was purchased for early stage innovators. Portfolio and database of eco-innovative research-based solutions was developed with the support of experts. De minimis aid contracts: 5 direct beneficiaries were supported with grants, concluded in 5 de minimis aid contracts, each of them benefiting from a grant in value of 10.000 euro. As result of the 2014 Regional Eco-Innovation Competition, 2 eco-innovative products were ready for commercialization (“Herbal dietary supplement used in the prevention and cure of Nosema in bees” and “Thermal insulating paint”). One spinoff was set up and one business was further developed. As a result of the 2015 Regional Innovation Competition, 3 innovative products were developed: “Uradmonitor – Portable Environmental Monitor”, “ETA2U Business Objects – a Platform for Ultrafast Business Software Application Development” and “Lighty – the First Smart Projector”. Out of these 3 products, two represent eco-innovative products. Two startup-ups were established thanks to the de minimis aid and one business was further developed. The products developed by the two startups are already on the market, and the branch dedicated solely to the development of the first product was further developed. More information about the developed products can be found on the project webpage,