3D Modelling Techniques for BioMedical Engineering

Project facts

Project promoter:
University Politehnica of Bucharest
Project Number:
Target groups
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 28,396
The project is carried out in:


OBJECTIVES OF THE PROJECT MOBILE project aims to merge together the forefront of Romania (Univerity Politehnica of Bucharest and Iceland (Reykjavik University) specialists within the field of 3D modeling technique, engineering, biology, biomedical engineering and e-learning to develop a common structure, curriculum and content for conventional and e-learning teaching dedicated to 3D Modelling Techniques for BioMedical Engineering for Science/Engineering participants. Within the framework of MOBILE the following achievements are envisaged: i) development of an innovative multidisciplinary teaching module dedicated to 3D Modelling techniques for BioMedical Engineering fundamental training material, course support for conventional and e-learning, website, case studies, etc.), ii) trial test for the 3D Modelling Techniques for BioMedical Engineering teaching module and iii) raise awareness on 3D Modelling Techniques for BioMedical Engineering by running an active dissemination plan.

Summary of project results

MOBILE II-Winter School project aims to continue the activity of the predecessor project, MOBILE- 3D Modeling Techniques for Bio MedicalEngineering contract no. 3/03.08.2015 SEE Inter-institutional cooperation in the Higher Education area Financed by the EEA Financial Mechanism 2009-2014,which promoted mutual cooperation Romania-Iceland by having an active mobility strategy within project framework contributing to strengthening links at the level of higher education sector and to extend the mobility strategy this time toward Romanian and Icelandic students in order to further strengthening links at the level of higher education sector, reduce economic and social differences by boosting Romanian students skills by organizing a Winter School dedicated to Biomedical Engineering filed in UR with joined participation of 32 people, Romanian students, Icelandic students and 7 top international experts, in the biomedical engineering field from different countries. All activities envisaged within the project framework were successfully realised and the main delivered results are: 1. Assessment and report of survey results - Investigation of the MOBILE II-Winter School attenders requirements 2. MOBILE II-Winter Schooltook place in Reykjavik UniversityVisit at Össur (www.ossur.com) in 20.11.2016 and HótelÖrk, Hveragerði Iceland. 21.11-25.11. 2016 3. Ascertain strengths/weak topics of the Winter School based on participants’ feedback and publish the results on project website and project facebook page. The MOBILE II –Winter School provided an opportunity for its attenders to learn a multidisciplinary topic, to practice their skills, and to understand their role in the development of novel products for the healthcare market, and thus facilitating better treatment and potential improvements in the overall quality of life for large patient groups.

Summary of bilateral results

The successful realization of the MOBILE II Winter School produced several advantages i.e. i) sharing of important competences, international networking, ii) exchange of best practices and definition of common strategies to be applied in Romania and Iceland; iii) raising international awareness on the problems addressed by biomedical engineering. The MOBILE II Winter School provided an opportunity for the students to learn and practice their skills in a multidisciplinary field i.e. Biomedical Engineering and to understand their role in the development of novel products for the healthcare market, and thus facilitating better treatment and potential improvements in the overall quality of life for large patient groups from international experts from top level universities e.g.Dr. Paolo Gargiulo and Mr. Kyle Edmunds, Reykjavik University;BenediktHelgason, Reykjavik University and ETH Zurich; Ólafur E. Sigurjónsson, Reykjavik University and The Blood bank, Icleand. On the other hand MOBILE II Winter School was valuable as facilitated the development of a high level scientific competence for our students and human resources development which represents one of the priorities in our universities, aimed for enhancing quality and competitiveness, as well as consolidation capacities towards a more active participation at other RD&I European programmes and more successful application of our students on the labor market. MOBILE II-Winter School project continue the collaboration of predecessor project, MOBILE- 3D Modeling Techniques for Bio MedicalEngineering - SEE Inter-institutional cooperation in the Higher Education area Financed by the EEA Financial Mechanism 2009-2014,and furthermorepromoted mutual cooperation Romania-Iceland. Also was an excellent opportunity to meet and discussed further collaboration regarding new projects, students exchange and HEI programmes. MOBILE II – Winter School partnership contributed to top up benchmark level of qualification by broadening, deeping knowledge and understanding related to BioMedical Engineeringby exposing students to fundamentals, applications, case studies, hands on in order to acquired competence which will promote increased employability, greater chances of new business launch or knowledge based approach toward Biomedical Engineering.