Mobility project

Project facts

Project promoter:
'Mircea cel Batran' Naval Academy
Project Number:
Target groups
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 30,600
The project is carried out in:


This project responds to the strategic direction of the internationalization policy of the "Mircea cel Batran" Naval Academy (MBNA) which aims to the intensification of students mobility activities.The project objective is to develop and increase the educational relationship between MBNA and Alesund University College (AAUC) through expanded exchanges of students and teachers. The project aims to prepare Romanian students at the highest level for the labour market and to exchange good practices in the area of education management and policies. The outputs are the one-semester mobilities of study for the MBNA students, which will allow them to acquire knowledge with a better practical orientation. The target group consists of 4 students of MBNA from the Naval and Port Engineering and Management study programme. The Donor State partner is AUC, which will educate and host the 4 Romanian students for one semester in 2015-2016. The partnership will maintain the developing educational relation and will allow its growth through new common projects.

Summary of project results

The EAA Grants project has been developed in the “Mircea cel Batran” Naval Academy (MBNA) along with Aalesund University College (AAUC), now Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU). The study programs from Naval and Port Engineering and Management Department could only be compatible with the study programs from NTNU university. Results have shown a valuable importance for the professional training of students. The MBNA will further update the teaching process, procedures and curricula of Marketing, Business and Administration. The objective of the project was to continue the educational relationship between MBNA and AAUC through expanded exchanges of students and teachers. The aim was fulfilled, there were 5 outgoing study mobility for students and all funds approved absorbed. The opportunity of the study mobility has increased the competition between students and the development of the study program led to the increase of the academic level of students. All results were disseminated by both students and institutional members. The study mobilities were fully recognized at the end of the mobility. MBNA gained information for adapting the management and administration classes. The students' competitiveness during the admission process along with the constant effort of upgrading the learning skills and their final results were all positive benefits of the project. The NTNU has constantly gain international promotion and recognition of its study programs.

Summary of bilateral results

The positive results of the project were possible due to the constant cooperation with “Mircea cel Batran” Naval Academy (MBNA). The outcome achieved is a result of the continuous connection with the Romanian partner and their students’ mobility activities. The continuous educational partnership will further serve as a starting point in the future projects. The current partnership had already also been fruitfully used during exchange mobilities in Erasmus+, key Action 1. The cooperation between Aalesund University College (AAUC), now Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) and MBNA will further allow the academic staff to identify projects in the scientific domain. The Norwegian-Romanian partnership has been constantly promoted in the media and academic fields, being also a constant example of good-practice for new projects undertaken by NTNU and MBNA.