Mobility project

Project facts

Project promoter:
University of Craiova
Project Number:
Target groups
Teachers, trainers, managers, leaders and other staff within higher education institutions
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 74,835
The project is carried out in:


This project responds to the strategic direction of the internationalization policy of the University of Craiova which aims to the intensification of staff and students mobility activities. The institutions involved in mobility activities will work together in order to encourage collaboration in education areas of education interest. These academic exchanges will allow the enhancement of each party’s educational and academic programmes and will encourage exchange of information, best practices and academic materials in fields of mutual interest. The beneficiaries are expected to disseminate the results of their exchange experience within their academic community. The target groups are the staff and the students of the institutions involved in the project. The role of the donor partner is important in providing support to foster academic exchange and international cooperation. Moreover, its role is to contribute to the drawing up of realistic and achievable objectives and to their implementation through common actions. The partnership will achieve mutual enrichment, whereas participants will explore new teaching methods, and pursue related research interests.

Summary of project results

The mobility project was needed both for institutional purposes (enhanced cooperation with top-flight universities in Norway and Iceland, reinforcement of internationalization) and for ensuring the academic and personal development of the involved staff, who will become acquainted with relevant good practice. The results of this enriching experience will be sustained and propagated within the University of Craiova, through enhanced knowledge and research excellence. The outcome of the mobility project refers to the mobilities undertaken by the students and teaching staff of the University of Craiova and its Norwegian and Icelandic partners: 2 outgoing student mobility for studies, 6 outgoing student mobility for placement, 11 outgoing staff training mobility, 1 incoming staff teaching mobility and 3 incoming staff training mobility. Good practice exchange was the major outcome of the project and it was fully reached. At a wider level, this professional development has resulted in the implementation of new internationalization practices to the benefit of the academic staff as well as of the students. The partnership achieved mutual enrichment, as the participants were able to explore new teaching methods and pursue joint research interests.

Summary of bilateral results

The results of this enriching experience will be sustained and propagated within the University of Craiova, through enhanced knowledge and research excellence. The high quality of the work undertaken by students and staff involved in mobility has led to a mutually fruitful exchange of good practice, thus ensuring the successful achievement of the envisaged outcomes. On a wider level, the project fostered the adoption of new teaching practices, the identification of common research directions for the future, and an accurate joint review of internationalisation policies and strategies. The partnership has also helped strengthen bilateral relations and enhance interinstitutional cooperation, which, to the date, has materialized in two other projects financed through the EEA Grants: TRANSMOD 2014-2015 (partners: Bifrost University and former Nesna University College) and ElitMod 2016-2017 (partner: Bifrost University). Good practices were exchanged both in academic (computer science) and transversal fields (international relations, research, and teaching staff training development). Further joint activities are also envisaged at an academic level (joint publications, joint conferences, etc.).