a) To increase the quality of higher education – improving methods of teaching, research and curricula. b) To obtain a dynamic balance between teaching, research and intercultural dialogues, through mobility and cross-border cooperation. c) To improve the quality and relevance of higher education, to strengthen quality through mobility and cross-border cooperation. d) Professors will be encouraged to participate in these mobilities, in order to share experience regarding teaching methodology and to promote multicultural European aspects. e) Professors from partner universities. f) University of Liechtenstein – the role of the partner university is to offer help for improving the quality and accessibility in the project’s activities and to contribute to the participation of incoming and outgoing teaching staff. g) Increase the number of mobilities between partners and strengthen cooperation between the partner universities; personal and professional development for participating teaching staff.
Summary of project results
The main objective of the project was to improve the quality and significance of architectural higher education. Particularly, we aimed to encourage especially incoming students and professors to participate in a mobility at “Ion Mincu” University of Architecture and Urbanism and to increase the level of teaching in architectural higher education. We also intended to build a network of academic cooperation with architectural education institutions from EEA countries and we plan to continue and improve the goals of the project. The most important objective of the project was to increase the mobility of students, professors and administrative staff from both donor and beneficiary states. Thus, we developed a closer academic cooperation between UAUIM and universities from EEA countries. This fact materialized in a common exchange of professional experience, both for students and academic staff that leaded to the improvement of the teaching methods and the curricula. We expect that the cooperation will be continued for a long time after the end of the project. In the academic year 2015-2016 we realized 2 mobilities for teaching: 1 incoming professor and 1 outgoing professor. Both professors were invited to be part of the international diploma juries organized by each university. The project allowed us to compare the skills of our professors and students with the standards of University of Liechtenstein and to establish a frame for future common projects. The teaching staff involved in mobilities (both from donor and beneficiary states) participated, after the diploma presentations, in a meeting of conclusions with the other members of the jury. These conclusions leaded to a basis for the future strategy of both universities. Regarding the educational system in the host university, each part discovered new and interesting teaching methods and disciplines, the level of knowledge of the students from the host university and they had useful discussions with specialists from other European universities. The beneficiaries of the project achieved: - Opportunities to improve the professional background; - The possibility to practice foreign languages at a high academic level; - Sharing experience of good practice; - The possibility of social and cultural interaction between the two countries; - Opportunities for improving the teaching methods and the student-professor relation at home university.
Summary of bilateral results
The main achievement for the partners was the increasing of the mobilities between the two universities. Thanks to this project, the incoming teaching staff participated for the second time in the international diploma jury organised by UAUIM and had the opportunity to better know culturally our country. In 2015-2016 academic year we organized two teaching mobilities: incoming and outgoing. Both of them participated in the international diploma juries at the host university. This fact allowed a careful comparison between the academic standards of the partner institutions. Both institutions organized a meeting of conclusions after the diploma presentations, with the participation of all the members of the jury, leading to future strategies regarding higher education standards. The results of the project were presented in different academic meetings (ex: " Erasmus Open Doors") and in other round tables where the beneficiaries were able to describe the methods and design approaches used in the host university. The members of the International Relations Office and the participants presented to the UAUIM students the experience gained in this project in other extracurricular meetings and even in international conferences. As a result of the dissemination of the project results, the number of teaching staff that applied for an outgoing mobility for the 2015-2016 academic year increased: 4 professors applied for a teaching mobility at University of Liechtenstein. Each partner was responsible with the selection of the participants and with the completion of the needed documents before the beginning of the mobility. Both universities organized extracurricular activities for the incoming professor during the mobility, in order to promote as much as possible the culture, history and social aspects of the host country. The partners involved the incoming teaching staff in working teams and presented to the participants their specific teaching, working and evaluation methods. This will allow the partners to improve future strategies of both institutions. During the mobility, the partners assured the support and access to technical infrastructure for incoming participants.