The project will focus on developing new cooperation with universities from Norway. The project will address both to incoming and outgoing students mobility development, having as expected outcome a higher number of flows. The specific objectives will be: the increasing number of bilateral agreements, the extend of the fields mentioned in the bilateral agreements and the increase quality of the student mobility. The results obtained until now in exchanging students and teachers between Babes Bolyai University and Norwegian universities underlined the need to focus more on developing and strengthening the cooperation. The project expected outcomes will be: an increased number of flows and bilateral agreements and the extension of the fields mentioned in the bilateral agreement. The direct beneficiaries will be both students and teachers. The role of the donor and partner universities will be based on an equal partnership that will be the basic principle in establishing a qualitative scheme of mobilities.
Summary of project results
The project was needed in order to develop mobilities with Norwegian universities, taking into consideration the low number of mobilitiesthat are implemented without a higher financial support to cover the high living expenses. The objective, to increase the number of beneficiaries, was partially met because there were not any incoming mobilities and the outgoing mobilities were not all of them implemented. The outcome of the mobility project was also partially reached taking into consideration that we did not received the expected number of incoming and we did not send the expected number of outgoing mobilities. There were not any printed materials delivered as a result to the activities. The only outputs were the actualmobilities. The main benefit for the beneficiaries is that they can study or teach in Norway. Without the EEA grants this opportunity would be available for less people, taking into consideration the high living costs. The donor partnership achieved besides offering grants that are correlated with the living costs, the entire financing schemes being concentrated on developing the mobilities encourage the increasing of themobilities.
Summary of bilateral results
The project eligible activities allows that the main activities to be: study activities, teaching activities and training activities. The project offered the possibility for the students to access Norwegian system of education and to share knowledge between students and teachers. Yes the project contributed to strengthen the bilateral relation between the Romanian university and those in Norway. There are bilateral agreements signed with all partners universities. The bilateral partnership signed offered the legal frame for developing the partnerships. The project objectives are organizing mobilities, not innovation. The visibility of the project was offered by all partners.