This project responds to the strategic direction of the internationalization policy of the University of Craiova, which aims to increase staff and student mobility activities. These academic exchanges will allow the enhancement of each party’s educational and academic programmes. This will encourage exchange of information, best practices and academic materials in fields of mutual interest. The beneficiaries of the mobility activities are expected to disseminate the results of their academic exchange experience within their academic community. The target groups are the staff and the students. The role of the donor partner is to provide support to foster academic exchange and international cooperation. Moreover, the role of the partner is to contribute to the drawing up of realistic and achievable objectives and to their implementation through common actions. The partnership will achieve mutual enrichment, whereas participants will explore new teaching methods, and pursue related research interests. Also, the partnership aims to update curricula and improve academic management.
Summary of project results
The mobility project was needed at both an institutional and personal teaching staff-oriented level. The results will be sustained and propagated through enhanced knowledge and research excellence. The objective was to ensure the acquaintance of teaching staff of the University of Craiova (UCv) with a high quality educational system, represented by the donor project partners from Iceland and Norway. In total there were six outgoing mobilities; one student placement mobility in Computer Sciences to Vestfold University College, one staff teaching mobility in Languages and Linguistics to Nesna University College, and four staff training mobilities (of which two were hosted by Bifrost University and the other two by Nesna University College and Vestfold University College). The project activities has helped inform our partners about the excellence in teaching and research areas at the UCv, which is expected to lead to an increase of the incoming mobility of students and staff, thus ensuring a sustainable and overarching impact. During the project the beneficiaries had the opportunity to become acquainted with a completely novel teaching style and had access to a significant amount of educational resources. This professional development has resulted in the implementation of new internationalization practices at UCv to the benefit of the academic staff as well as to the students. the outputs delivered include mobility reports, with a view to documenting the experience and achievements. The partnership achieved mutual enrichment, with participants exploring new teaching methods and pursuing related research interests. .
Summary of bilateral results
The University of Craiova derived a lot of benefits from the cooperation with top-flight universities in Norway and Iceland, which are generally known for providing outstanding academic quality. The partnership strengthened bilateral relations and enhanced inter-institutional cooperation. Good practices were exchanged both in academic (business, foreign languages, computer science) and transversal fields (international relations, research, teaching staff training development). Several Icelandic and Norwegian institutions that are partners of the University of Craiova in the mobility project have also participated in drawing up joint research projects. The results of this enriching experience will be sustained and propagated within the University of Craiova, through enhanced knowledge and research excellence.