The scope of the project is to improve the quality and relevance of higher education area and aims to a dynamic balance between teaching, research and service to society. The main objectives of our institution are to facilitate a closely cooperation with universities from EEA Area, including those regarding the educational field, to increase the attainment levels, to improve the quality and relevance of higher education and to strengthen quality through mobility and cross-border cooperation. Our staff and students will be encouraged to participate in different types of mobilities, in order to promote multicultural European aspects. The target groups envisaged are students, teachers and administrative staff. The role of University of Liechtenstein is to offer help for improving the quality and accessibility in the project’s activities and to develop a wide participation of incoming/outgoing students and staff. At the final stage the partnership will reach an increased number of mobilities and a close cooperation between the two institutions.
Summary of project results
The project was needed for the improvement of higher education, by encouraging students and professors to participate in the programme and share the gained knowledge and experience. We'll continue the project in the next academic years, hopefully with better results. The objective was - to strengthen cooperation relations with universities from the EEA Area. We improved our relations with the University of Liechtenstein. The outcome was to increase the mobility of students and staff from both donor and beneficiary states, in order to improve the teaching, working methods and the curricula. For the first time we had 3 incoming mobilities from Liechtenstein - 2 students and 1 administrative staff. Participants discovered new and interesting teaching methods and disciplines that are not part of their home university's curricula, promoted social and cultural aspects of their country and were interested to discover the same aspects in the host country. All the beneficiaries completed the tasks stipulated in their learning/training/teaching agreements and found ways to improve the teaching methods and approach of the incoming and outgoing students, to better organize the Erasmus Office. Students were able to discover another culture, to learn Romanian and to study architecture from a different approach. The donor partner increased the number of mobilities from Liechtenstein to Romania and enhanced the personal and professional development for the participants.
Summary of bilateral results
The main achievement for the partner universities was the increasing of the mobilities. It was for the first time when our university hosted mobilities from University of Liechtenstein (2 students and 1 administrative staff). Thanks to this project, 3 teaching and administrative staff from our university had the opportunity to improve their abilities by visiting University of Liechtenstein. The project helped the donor partner to increase the number of mobilities from Liechtenstein to Romania and to enhance the personal and professional development for participating students and staff from partner universities. They could get a deeper feedback of their outgoing students and they could define new strategies and activities for future students, based on their development.