Summary of project results
The film industry in Romania has produced in the last 25 years no film that has the target age groups between 4 and 12 years. The only film productions regularly arriving in Romanian theaters are produced in the United States of America. Those produced in Europe arrive accidentally, and that being only during the two children's festivals (KINODISEEA – Bucharest, DREAM FEST-Slatina), but the coverage of these festivals is extremely small, same as their exposure. TV stations in Romania - either public or private ones – have no slots for this target for reasons easy to justify, but difficult to accept – lack of financial benefit in accordance with the investment. We brought to Romania 11 movies produced in Norway and Iceland. We made 39 screenings and we reached 3200 children from places without movie theaters, Roma kids and institutionalized children. We made known to kids in Romania a few beautiful movies from Norway and Iceland. This first project was the basis of a strategy for promoting the values of European cinema for children - the youngest, future professionals and consumers without which the film industry (especially one who is at the beginning of the evolution road) cannot develop. Within the project have been produced one webpage (, 1200 posters, 2000 flyers, 11 translations and subtitles for the movies included in the movie-caravan, 1 press-conference, 3 press releases The project brought movies for children in places where access to culture is null. We reached foster care and Roma children. Several thousand children have seen for the first time in their lives a movie on a big screen and had the opportunity to talk about it. It saw joy on the faces of these children. No one can measure and quantify that. What can be measured are the number of kilometers traveled by car (about 7000), the number of projections (39), the number of spectators (about 3300), movies (11), the weeks of discussions to get the movies that we wanted (about 12 ) and, perhaps, most importantly, the organization of the second edition which runs from February to April 2016. This grant and the results the project had motivated local funders to support another movie-caravan.