The projects offers an innovative response to the social issues of migrant children. The project promotes educational theatre as a tool to increase awareness on the subject. The play, “Offline Family”, reflects the reality of children left alone at home and involves 9 children and 2 actors. Before each performance of the play, the project promoter will have a public presentation of the methodology in Educational Theatre. The promoter believes that Educational Theatre, through children’s performance, can offer an attractive way to deal with social issues. Each representation will be followed by a local debate. The main project aim is to promote Educational Theatre as an instrument for cultural education, where children learn to value activism, civic responsibility, and participative democracy. The Migrant Children Educational Theatre tour will be in Transylvania, in those major cities where according to local statistics, the number of children left alone at home is critical. The cities are, besides București, Brașov; Mureș; Cluj; Sibiu; and Alba.
Summary of project results
Under the European policies, the labour migration from the perspective of children left alone at home is a priority. In this context, the "Children of migration – Tour of educational theatre in Transylvania" has promoted an innovative concept of intervention - theatre education - who addressed those specific needs related to cultural education contemporary Romania, both in the development of strategies for education participatory and inclusive growth and low educational theatre role in the formation of responsible citizens. The outputs delivered in the project materialized in 480 participants in the six performances by theatre show "Family Offline" presented in the six cities in Transylvania (Alba Iulia, Brasov, Medias, St. George, Sibiu and Tg.Mures); 480 participants from the six public presentations of Educational Heater Methodology organized in six cities in Transylvania (see list above); 480 participants from the six post-show discussions organized in six cities in Transylvania; 490 books "Offline Family. Educational Theatre”, free distribution to the audience and to the partner institutions (Reduta Cultural Centre, Brasov, Theatre Andrei Muresanu Sf. Gheorghe, Ariel Theatre, Tirgu Mures Cultural House, Medias; Theatre for Children and Youth Gong, Sibiu, Theatre Prichindel Dolls, Alba Iulia, County Library "Costache Sturdza", Bacau, County Library Mihai Eminescu" Botosani, City Library "E. Lovinescu", Pascani, City Library, "G.T. Kirileanu", Piatra Neamt, City Library "George Radu Melidoni" Roman; Library of Bucovina "IG Sbiera", Suceava, Targu Neamt City Library, City Library "Knowledge Universe, Tg. Frumos, County Library" Duiliu Zamfirescu ", Vrancea and 490 books “Educational theatre. Games and Exercises”, free distribution to the audience and to the partner institutions. The project’s outcomes ( Promoting education through art and culture to a wider audience and Performing Arts projects) were achieved through 6 conferences about Educational Theatre Methodology in 6 cities from Transylvania (Brasov, Sfantu Gheorghe, Tg. Mures, Medias, Sibiu, Alba Iulia);6 public debates that followed each presentation of the theatre performance, on tour, in major cities from Transilvania; free distribution of the two books published in the project: “The Offline Family. An Educational Theatre Performance” and “Educational Theatre. Games and exercises” and 6 performances of “Familia Offline” in cities from Transylvania.
Summary of bilateral results