A Trip with Urmuz - theater, dance and show

Project facts

Project promoter:
TEATRUL.RO Association
Project Number:
Target groups
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 11,635
The project is carried out in:


A Trip with Urmuz” is a performance based on Urmuz’s work ,”Bizzare Pages”. This performance sheds new light on the work of one the most interesting Romanian authors. The performance will also include visual references to the paintings of Romanian surrealists Jules Perahim and Marcel Iancu. This project has three components: 1) creating the performance (a complex show, using dance, masks, video art and theatre); 2) presenting it to the Romanian audience; 3) presenting it to a Norwegian audience during a short tour. The objective of this project is promoting Urmuz as a national cultural value and to establish a dialogue between the independent theatre spaces in Romania and from Norway. The audience of this project is formed by the Romanian artists working on this show, by the Norwegian artists that will support the promoter of the project during the tour and by the Romanian and Norwegian audiences.

Summary of project results

This project has met the following needs: Romania needs to maintain alive the cultural values; in this case - the project deals with Urmuz – an unique artist, forerunner of the European avant-garde – and his "Strange Stories". "Translation" prose Urmuz will be using the word in theatrical language, bodily actors, dance and masks, the need of the independent artists for new and innovative experiences. "A Trip with Urmuz" was intended to contribute to the professional development of artists who are part of the team. Both presentations to the Romanian public and especially contact with an audience from a different culture – will give to the artists a new extended perspective of their mission. Even though it was not a formal partnership, PP established a brief collaboration on the basis of a service contract with Grusomhetens Theater (GT), Oslo, through Mr. Bredan McCall, co-producer of the project Norwegian tour. The partnership has been translated into all those training activities (starting with an initial research and location selection - GT theater), organizing and promoting the three performances with "A Trip with Urmuz" in October 2016 in Oslo. Specific objectives were: creating a theater performance based on the script "A Trip with Urmuz" by Radu Popescu. The script is inspired from ”Strange Stories” by Urmuz, as well as many other texts of great Romanian avant-garde authors; presentation to the Romanian public - estimate a minimum of 24 performances in two years; presentation of the show in Norway (a short Norwegian tour) -3 performances. The main deliverables produced within the project were a new theater production with all its components: set, costumes, masks, original score, original choreography and also acting achievements; promotional materials for both Romanian and Norwegian representations; Norwegian translation of the text; dedicated web page (in Romanian and English); 5 performances of the show in Romania; 3 performances of the show in Oslo, Norway. For the group of artists the making of this show and the whole project meant a huge step forward for artists and team organization. Although PP encountered difficulties it considered the experience from the project is incomparable more valuable than one from any other project: the dialogue with public of all kinds; the first international tour presenting the show in front of a foreign audience - are unique experiences, of special value.

Summary of bilateral results