The Historical Re-enactment - a tool for cultural valorisation and sustainable development of the local community promotes the cultural heritage of the Rasnov area. It results in a historical re-enactment group that will highlight the local traditional crafts, the community values and the local history of the identity of minorities. The project develops a "living history" type cultural product through an original educational method that enables the understanding of a historical period, starting with an authentic re-enactment of community life in the 13th and 17th centuries. The project promotes the history and culture of the Vikings to tourists visiting Rasnov through promotional material and public workshops. The project is an original initiative throughout the Romanian cultural space. Trondheim Vikinglag (Norway) is partner in this project. The Norwegian partner's know-how and the support of the local Rasnov authorities offer the project the scope to be a viable cultural alternative, addressing several target groups, mainly young people, offering them a new educational method that facilitates easier understanding of elements of the concrete history of this area.
Summary of project results
Since a few years ago, Râşnov Municipality and Mioritics Association identified several problems in Râşnov community, important for promoting local heritage, such as: an extremely small number of persons who practice traditional local crafts and sell their products Râşnov Citadel; the absence of a re-enactment group in Râşnov to harness symbols and local history through activities of daily life during themed historical and educational events, nationally or even internationally. Thus, the project have laid the foundations of two historical re-enactment groups, one composed of adults aged 20-45 years and another made up of children aged 8-13 years old. The participation of Râşnov group at two themed festivals (Hamar Medieval Festival, June 2015) and the Re-enactment Festival in Râşnov was a good opportunity to perform re-enactment activities and to promote local history but also the audiences to interact with an original cultural approach. Most important deliverables within the project aimed at supporting the activities of the re-enactment group Achievement and Promotion and dissemination of project results were: 36 re-enactment costumes created (15 for XIII century, 11 for XVII century and 10 historical costumes for the group of children); 1 historical documentary on the XIII and XVII centuries, which was focused on Râşnov community events and specifics of daily life; more than 160 items that contribute to recreating the atmosphere XIII and XVII centuries; one guide printed in 4000 copies, dedicated to the organization of re-enactment festivals (Ro-En); a booklet promoting common history (Râşnov and Viking), printed in 2000 copies; 3 thematic films (one film about medieval battles re-enactment, one film about Romanian group participation in Hamar Medieval Festival, one film about the organization and implementation of Re-enactment Festival in Râşnov); 100 photographs relevant to the concept of historical re-enactment of the XIII century community; 41 articles in Romanian and Norwegian media about the project concept and implementation; 2 websites promoting Romanian re-enactment group and the concept of living history; The direct beneficiaries of the project were able to engage in cultural activities very innovative for Romanian area, enriching their experience in re-enactment, developing their practical skills and implementing a playful educational method which attracts and communicate directly with audience.
Summary of bilateral results
The project „Historical Reenactment - a tool for cultural valorization and sustainable development of local community” has aimed that, based on the Norwegian partner experience and having the support of the local authority of Râşnov, to offer a viable alternative cultural offer to local community. However, the project also aimed to implement a new educational methods that facilitate understanding of the historical phenomenon. Through this approach, the partners aimed to identify practical solutions for addressing these aspects, both culturally and economically. Due to the thematic workshops for group members and presentations during Râşnov Re-enactment Festival, Norwegian partner succeeded to explain the concept of living history and propose alternatives for its implementation in depending on the specific local heritage and history of the community. In addition, the two festivals meant interaction and exchange of experience between Romanian group and experienced Viking community members and other partners of Trondheim Vikinglag. It was an efficient way to convey information about the two types of communities (Râşnov and Viking) and to promote activities to preserve the cultural heritage of Romania and Norway.