The cultural legacy of Corvin Castle - "Guilds House" Museum, Hunedoara City, Hunedoara County

Project facts

Project promoter:
Hunedoara City Hall
Project Number:
Target groups
Young adults
Initial project cost:
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 14,918
The project is carried out in:


The "Guilds House” Museum seeks to increase the use of the exhibition space and the attractiveness of the "Corvin Castle" museum and to implement the most modern paradigms in the field of museology. The proposed project envisages to make the paradigm shift, the shift from the traditional way of museum exhibition exposure to the interactive one, in order to exploit at its fullest the generous exhibition space in the Corvin Castle. The Main Objective of the project is establishing the "Guilds House" Corvin Castle Museum in order to protect, preserve the cultural heritage for future generations and to facilitate public access to it. The Specific Objectives are the creation, evaluation, protection and enhancement of numismatic collection identified in the Corvin Castle territory; the involvement and training of 12 representatives of the Roma community in the development of socio-economic activities and the increase in tourism to the city of Hunedoara.

Summary of project results

The Corvin Castle Museum of Hunedoara, Romania, has an activity of over 40 years. The museum is housed by one of the most beautiful medieval castles in Central and Southeastern Europe and has a mobile heritage that currently amounts to approx. 10,000 pieces that are divided into several collections. The activity of the curators of the Corvin Castle led to the identification of multiple highly valuable objects, specific to guilds - voluntary associations of craftsmen belonging to a trade, the guilds emerged in the Middle Ages, remaining until the end of the nineteenth century. The main objective of the project was to establishing the "Guilds House" Corvin Castle Museum in order to protect, preserve the cultural heritage for future generations and to facilitate public access to it. The specific objectives were the creation, evaluation, protection and enhancement of numismatic collection identified in the Corvin Castle territory; the involvement and training of 12 representatives of the Roma community in the development of socio-economic activities. The results included the creation of a cultural space including a numismatic collection, the restoration of 94 objects of cultural value, the training of 12 Roma in handicrafts and the development of one Strategic, planning and integrated management document created - Study to raise the interest of young people for traditional guilds.

Summary of bilateral results