Little Prince Center

Project facts

Project promoter:
The General Department of Social Assistance and Child Protection, 3rd District, Bucharest
Project Number:
Target groups
Children ,
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 189,858
The project is carried out in:


Bucharest District 3 is home to a total of 21,400 children aged 0-3 years (according to the Statistical Bulletin), however the district only offers two nurseries managed by the public sector. The overall objective of the project is to ensure and promote equal treatment and access to the labor market for women and men, trough interventions not only in the area of early childhood education, but also through raising awareness of equal rights in labor law and overcoming cultural stereotypes. In order to facilitate the integration / reintegration and maintenance of the female work force, education and care services for children up to 3 years will be developed and provided, in order to reconcile family life and professional activity.The project will result in the following: 1 functional center providing early education and care services; 35 children aged 0-3, of which 7 Roma children who benefit from educational activities; 27 jobs created for the specialists working in this center; 200 people who will participate in awareness activities in the field of gender equality and the reconciliation of work and private life. The direct beneficiaries of the project are composed of children who will benefit from the services offered by the”Little Prince” Center. Moreover, their families will directly benefit of the facilities and services offered by the project, the estimated number of people being about 70. The direct beneficiaries category members of Roma communities, who will participate in awareness activities in the field of gender equality and the reconciliation of family life and private life, the estimated number of Roma beneficiaries being 200 people, including the informal leaders of the Roma community.

Summary of project results

Through a grant of 360.000 euros, the Disctrict 3 Directorate for Social Assistance opened a center for 35 children aged 0-3 years old years old. The beneficiaries of the services provided by the "Little Prince" Day Care Center are the children of citizens with domicile or residence in District 3 of Bucharest, from disadvantaged families at increased risk of social exclusion, children from single parent families as well as parents and their families. Children from Roma families will have priority in enrollment, with a minimum of 7 seats reserved. During the day, a range of services for pre-school children are offered, such as: care, protection and nutrition, early education centered on the physical, cognitive, emotional and social development of children, and on early remediation development difficulties / deficiencies, health surveillance services, complementary child and family services, counseling services, parental education, and information. In the framework of dissemination activities for Roma communities, 2 debates and 5 workshops were organized with members of the Roma communities on the topic of ensuring and promoting equal treatment and access to the labor market for women and men through interventions not only in the field of early education, but also to raise awareness on equal rights in the field of labor law and to overcome cultural stereotypes. Emphasis has been placed on the importance of respecting equal rights for women and men, both within the family and within the extended community, especially as the Roma woman is subject to double discrimination, gender and ethnicity. Some delays and setbacks were registered in contracting the refurbishing company, but the lost time was recovered further on.

Summary of bilateral results