We need support as well

Project facts

Project promoter:
Orsova Territorial Administrative Unit
Project Number:
Target groups
Children ,
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 194,956
The project is carried out in:


The project is needed because the municipality doesn’t have the necessary infrastructure to provide educational and social services in order to improve the standard of living, helping the town and the community to evolve and progress. The project aims to increase the chances of social (re) integration of families with children aged 0-3 years by facilitating access to social services provided by the Orşova City Council. Outcomes: Increase the number of children receiving services offered through the establishment of a center for education and day care for children aged 0-3 years. The objective can be achieved by providing social services in a suitable and properly equipped space, that will assure parents about the quality of care and education. Healthy food appropriate for the age of each child will be served in the newly established day center. The project will moreover contribute to increased awareness of opportunities for integration and professional development through actions taken at the community level in Mehedinti county. Through the project the following will be achieved: a building will be rehabilitated, modernized and authorized in order to provide a proper space for educational services; Proper endowment for educational and social services; Qualified personnel ; 40 children who will benefit from the center of education and day care, 10 are Roma children so by including them in joint activities with other children we increase the chances of integration and mutual acceptance; 10 jobs. Target groups:The families of 40 children aged between 0-3 years as follows:-10 single-parent families - 2 Roma families; 5 families where both parents are unemployed - 4 Roma families; 3 families assisted socially; 15 Families where both parents are employed - 3 Roma families; 7 families where only one parent has a job -1 Roma family.

Summary of project results

The promoter has as indicator a number of 40 children, out of which 10 Roma, and the project value is 340.840 euro. Through the refurbishing and extension of a former thermal power plant a center for early education and day care was constituted, offering european standard quality services for children up to 3 years old. It is now the only daycare center in Orsova. Until The 3rd of April 2017, the only daycare center in Orsova was located at the first floor of the local kindergarten, in an improper space (approximately 20 sqm), with minimal equipment. The new location, after the refurbishing and extension is a 580 sqm modern space, with proper light, enough space, heated with radiant panels, which comprises of: a multipurpose room, five rooms for group activities, a medical office, an isolating space, dressing rooms, a storage closet, kitchen and pantry, laundry room, showers and toilets and administrative offices. Each and every space is properly furnished with new furniture, bed linen, pajamas for the children and toys for children up to 3 years old, all of them ensured through the project. The kitchen was equipped with new appliances. Four meals are prepared daily: breakfast, a snack, lunch and an afternoon snack. The daycare center, throught its trained personnel, offers children daycare services, surveillance, medical care, educational activities meant to develop abilities, inclusive leisure activities and even parent counseling. The daycare center now hosts 40 children, most of them coming from low income families (7 of them come from families with no income). The families benefit of the services mentioned above, which allows them to keep their jobs, to develop their professional abilities, and for the families with no income, it allows the parents to attend professional trainings or to go job-searching. Also as part of the project 4 work-shops and 4 seminars that supported the community by raising awareness on gender mainstreaming and equal opportunities for social and professional integration were organised. The project is very useful for the local community as the location of the daycare center is nearby the Local Social Assistance Bureau which the daycare center is part of, being at the same time in the area where most families of the enrolled children reside. The promoter encumbered delays of the activities to the initial planning due to the necessity of the intervention of the electricity supplier on the transformation station inside the building, which led to the delayed execution of the works.

Summary of bilateral results