RAINBOW Early Education Center

Project facts

Project promoter:
Baia Mare Terrirorial Administrative Unit
Project Number:
Target groups
Children ,
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 225,374
The project is carried out in:


Recent analyses of the situation in the North-West region of Romania indicates an increasing number of socially assisted persons and an increasing risk of severe poverty among disadvantaged groups, particularly the Roma people. The employment rate is below the EU target for 2020; there is a low level of integration of the Roma in the labor market; and decreasing preschool and school age population. It’s important to fulfill some preliminary conditions, such as: raising the awareness on the importance of labor market integration, especially of women, creating conditions to allow for the reconciliation of private and professional life; improving access to early education for children to prevent early dropout and illiteracy. The main objective of the project is to promote the gender perspective in social life through awareness of local communities (including Roma people) in the North-West region on the topic of equality between men and women through the elimination of stereotypes and occupational segregation, discrimination prevention, balanced participation to economic actions of women and encouraging joint work of women and men in terms of equitable division of social responsibilities. Another key element is the development of new complementary services that provide assistance to dependent people (children), to facilitate the inclusion of women in the labor market and avoid distortions of professional and family life. The project will establish an education and care service for children aged 0-3 years (Rainbow Early Education Center). 11 employees who work in the center will have a module of 30 hours training on the topic of gender equality, and 40 children (10 of them are Roma) will receive educational services at the Center for Early Education. Moreover, 40 adults (parents/legal guardians of the children in the center) will undergo specialised seminars and workshops.

Summary of project results

The daycare center hosts 40 children, out of which 10 of roma ethnicity, with a grant value of 358.750 euro. A new, modern centre – the RAINBOW Early Education Centre opened in Baia Mare fulfills the needs of the community through education services to children between the ages of 0-3 years, but also through psycho-social assistance for the parents of these children. The approach is family-centered, integrated, innovative, the ultimate goal being to improve the quality of life of children and their parents. The center offers quality, affordable services of early education. Here, 40 children between the ages of 0-3 years are included in an educational program specifically centred on their physical, cognitive, emotional and social development, to remedy any early difficulties/deficiencies. Children benefit from care and protection, food services adapted to their age and needs, and careful monitoring of health status. The center also offers information and counselling services for parents. Thus, at least 40 adults (parents/guardians or children representatives) benefit from assistance and social services: • information, psychological and social counseling, parental education in order to improve their competences of childcare • information and advice for integration on the labour market (information on job opportunities, active methods/techniques of searching for a job, concrete ways to increase their chances of access to the labour market; counseling regarding awareness of one's own potential, from a professional point of view and in order to increase self esteem). Of particular importance will be given to supporting women in order to access a job. The promoter held 2 training sessions for parents of children enrolled at the centre. Actions of awareness on roma issues and gender equality in the centre and the community have also been held, respectively 2 meetings with community representatives (Craica group of initiative and community members) and one meeting with representatives of local institutions (public institutions, non-governmental organizations) The promoter had difficulties in contracting the building company, as they had to hold the public procuurement procedure for four times. Also, they had minor delays in the refurbishing, due to the meteo conditions.

Summary of bilateral results