In the city of Alba Iulia, Roma communities are characterized by poverty and lack of living conditions, health services and education. The project aims to reduce discrimination and social exclusion of people belonging to vulnerable groups (Roma people and people with chronic disease) through the development of tools adapted to their immediate needs in order to increase their capacity to access social services. The objective will focus on developing new and basic social services tailored to the target group through an integrated system of activities for 570 persons, of which 315 Roma (selected from public authorities and vulnerable groups). The project will develop innovations, such as: a study, a manual regarding discrimination reduction, training sessions, tailored and fit for local public administration and civil society representatives, specialized services in a resource centre, network and best practice transfer between local public administration representatives.
Summary of project results
In Alba Iulia lives a significant Roma population, grouped in two main neighbourhoods: Zona Lumea Noua and Turturica. The living conditions are excessively poor, in many cases without access to water, electricity, transport infrastructure, while the only sources of income are social benefits and occasional jobs. Another preoccupation of Alba Iulia Municipality is the incidence of chronic diseases among its population, especially among children and youth. Statistics indicated that the main conditions are related to sight, obesity, anemia and others. The medical services available to the disadvantaged groups must be reinforced. The project aimed to set up measures for combating discrimination and reduce social exclusion at the level of Alba Iulia Municipality, in public-private partnership. A study has been carried out among vulnerable groups, assessing the perceptions and attitudes regarding the discrimination phenomenon, after which a Guide on how to prevent discrimination has been developed and tested, aimed at local and county authorities. A total of 71 representatives of local authorities and NGOs, out of which 51 from areas with significant Roma minorities, have been trained on how to address the discrimination of vulnerable groups in accessing public services and on the issues of social inclusion. The entities involved in social inclusion have been linked in a network for promotion of anti-discrimination measures, coordinated by PP. In order to provide direct support to vulnerable groups, a Resource Centre has been established by the project, where 699 persons, out of which 514 Roma, have received medical, social, educational, psychological information and counselling, and also support for integration on the labour market. The project contributed to the development of capacity of representatives of local authorities and NGOs to address discrimination and promote social inclusion, as well as to the development of a specialised service – the Resource Centre – and a network of best practices, where stakeholders can better work in partnership for addressing the needs of vulnerable categories.
Summary of bilateral results