Generated by poverty and marginalization, school dropouts is a major problem in Olt County, where, only in the period 2011/2012, 268 students had left school – 34 belonging to primary education, 85 to gymnasium and 149 to high school. The main objective of the project is to prevent school abandonment and to keep youth at risk of school abandonment from leaving the educational system. Also, the project is aiming to better integrate youth who left school back into education through integrated and complementary actions, in order to ease access to the job market. 210 youth at risk are involved: 135 youth at risk of early school leaving and 75 youth who abandoned school. Also, 200 parents/guardians, 40 teachers, 5 school counsellors and 4 administrators will be involved in activities. The projects envisages the creation of four Educational Open Centers in four cities in Olt County. There centres will offer remedial, social and cultural activities, with a view to reach graduation for youth who left the school system.
Summary of project results
The main objective of the project was to prevent school abandonment and to keep youth at risk of school abandonment from leaving the educational system and it was implemented in Olt county. The project was implemented in the partnership with Kogaion Foundation and this partnership proved to be efficient and the collaboration between the two entities continue after the project end. The promoter opened four Educational Open Centers in Piatra, Slatina, Corabia and Caracal for young people and selected a number of 210 young people participated to the specific activities within the centers. There centers offered remedial, social and cultural activities, with a view to reach graduation for youth who left the school system. All the selected specialists working in the centers were trained and they were involved in providing the following services: cultural/recreational services, life skills trainings and physiological therapy. Due to the intensive information campaign conducted by the project promotor within communies, the number of direct beneficiaries benefited of the services was achieved. The parents/tutors of the children were also implicated in counseling and therapy program.
Summary of bilateral results