In Caras-Severin County, parents are leaving in large numbers to work abroad. This, combined with low capacity among teachers to interact with students and to spark their interest for the school and education, are among the main causes for the high risk of school dropouts. The main objective of the project is to increase school attendance and thereby chances of accessing labour market for youth from the disadvantaged area Anina-Bozovici. The project will establish two clubs where youth will learn the skills needed for entering the labour market and for promoting tourism through communication and entrepreneurship. Teachers will learn how to adapt curricula for students' needs and how to communicate with students. Parents and those working abroad will be subject to an information and awareness raising campaign on the importance of school attendance for their children. The beneficiaries are 200 youth (40 Roma), 20 parents/tutors and 22 professionals.
Summary of project results
Local education authorities estimated that between 50-80% of parents of children living in under-priviledged areas Bozovici and Anina, Caraș Severin County, had emigrated abroad for work purposes. This lack of family support caused lower education attendance and performance, the average absenteeism rate in the two areas being in 2011-2012 school year 60% higher than in Bucharest. Among the causes of absenteeism, young people mentioned inattractive teaching methods and lack of extra-curricular activities. Two Youth Centres have been set up by the project, following the rehabilitation and outfitting of structures in two highschools from under-priviledged towns of Anina and Bozovici, Caraș Severin County. A number of 244 youth at risk, out of which 45 Roma, have benefitted from services, participating in practical activities such as organization of events (touristic, cultural, sport), business type simulations, editing and disseminating a magazine for promoting the tourism at local level, thematic camps etc, aimed at developing skills that facilitate the integration on the labour market. The activities have been facilitated by coordinators selected and trained from the youth. Training courses in project management and personal development have taken place. 49 parents have been involved in activities of raising their awareness on the importance of education for their children. A total number of 30 teachers have been trained in using attractive teaching methods, interpersonal communication, customized curriculum development, use of media in education, based on a best practice Guide developed in the project. The project contributed to developing the life skills of young people involved, facilitating their future integration on the labour market, preparation of teachers for a youth friendly didactic process and an increased involvement of parents in the school life of their children.
Summary of bilateral results