Young people in Bihor County are at high risk of social exclusion, facing lack of jobs and lack of training and qualifications partly due to low confidence in their own strength. The main objective of the project is to facilitate social inclusion of youth at risk by implementing integrated educational measures, preventing and reducing antisocial behavior and increasing awareness of youths' situation. The beneficiaries are 200 youth at risk (30 Roma), 30 parents/tutors and 40 professionals (5 Roma). Activities are aimed at improving their capacity for social and educational development through access to education, by ensuring formal and informal education in order to increase their chances in the labour market. The project provides an educational and social package: cultural and medical education, education through sport and recreational activities.
Summary of project results
The project aimed to reduce the risk of marginalization of youths at risk from Bihor County, mainly the ones from Oradea and Marghita. The project was implemented by General Directorate of Social Assistance and Child Protection Bihor in partnership with Technological High School Horea from Marghita Municipality. This project addressed its activities to youths from child protection system and to those who attended classes in Technological High School from Marghita Municipality. Through the project it was rehabilitated and equipped a building in Technological High School from Marghita Municipality and also in project promoter`s institution a space where the activities were held was properly equipped. The activities implemented for the 240 youths were formal activities, like remedial activities (helping them to do they homework and to recover educational gaps at different subjects).There were also non-formal activities developed, like: handcrafting, drawing, moral, health, ecological activities, etc. The beneficiaries from both locations were involeved in sport competitions and participated at the summer camp and educational trips organized during the implementation period. An important part of the project that helped reaching the proposed outcomes was the fact that 110 youths attended specialisation courses according with their skills, like: cook, commercial worker, hair dresser, barber, farmer, tourismous worker, driver and so on. The project had an integrated approach, for that purpose 50 people (teachers, tutors, psichologists, social workers) and 10 volunteers which are involved in implementing activities with the beneficiaries attended specialization courses organized through the project. An inovative part of the project was the implementation of activity ”developing lifestyle habits in the integrated manner”. This activity targeted youths from child protection system which are over 18 years old (6 of them were chosen) and in order to develop their skills 2 appartments were rented and they were taught to be responsible, to handle theirselfs with a fix allownce on a daily basis. All the project activities were accomplished and the indicators were reached.
Summary of bilateral results