People with disabilities in Cluj County are at high risk of social exclusion, being marginalized and deprived of the chance at a normal life. According to studies, their integration in society could be improved through early intervention, through inclusive education and other activities that help them develop and improve their skills. The main objective of the project is the social inclusion of young people with special needs from Cluj County (265 teenagers from 3 special institutions), through implementing educational integrated services, innovative, sensory stimulation, social behaviour and informal education. For that purpose, multi-sensory rooms will be set up and commissioned in three special schools. Also, the project will provide extra-curricular and leisure activities (appropriate for disability and age) and other complementary actions to improve the chances of social integration, including basic training on health education.
Summary of project results
The project aimed to increase the inclusion level of special needs youths integrated in the protection system, by implementing integrated services using Snoezelen therapy which offer a proper environment for educational, sensorial stimulation, social behavior and informal education. 359 youth from 2 special needs centers and 1 high school from Cluj county were a part of project activities, which had as a main objective to raise the quality of their lives and to help improving their abilities and skills. The Project Promoter purchased the necessary equipment to established 3 sensory rooms (Snoezelen Multi-Sensory Environments) in these institutions. The purpose of the therapy developed in this rooms is helping youth to relax, reduce agitation and anxiety, engage and delight the user, stimulate reactions and encourage communication. 43 specialists who are working directly with the children in the sensory rooms were trained in order to handle correctly all the equipment. After prolonging the project, by participating at Plus 2 call, the Project Promoter increased the number of the youths (from 265 to 359) and purchased equipment for a new special kind for therapy called Tomatis. During the project implementation period, the partner held workshops for all the youths and they taught them the basic rules of health education and they also distributed them hygienic articles. Also they participated to sessions of vocational counseling held by the partners. About 265 youths took part to the trips organized outside Cluj Napoca (to botanical garden, zoo, Alba Carolina fortress and salt mine) and they went also to see a movie in the City Mall. The Project Promoter organized for all of them Christmas parties where the children received Christmas gifts (sweets, a backpack, a sweatshirt). Project`s indicators and activities are monitored using an informatic system especially designed.
Summary of bilateral results