A large proportion of Romanian students are at high risk of social exclusion and discrimination due to poverty. Targoviste Valahia University (Dambovita County) is home to a number of students from single parent families, young talented students coming from disadvantaged families, young Roma and young people with disabilities wishing to have access to higher education. The main objective of the project is to create equal opportunities for 180 youth in education and employment thereby increasing social inclusion and personal development through formal and non-formal education. The project provides real opportunities to support young people at risk in order to overcome situations of school abandonment, vulnerability, dependence and other risks. 180 young students (main target group) enrolled in the academic year 2014-2015, and students already enrolled will be involved in the activities.
Summary of project results
The need for starting the project came as a result of studies carried out in Romania concerning school dropout the unemployment rate and the inclusion on labour market among young people. The general interest to reduce social disparities also became an interest for the University of Valahia which through this project was able to form a homogeneous group of students by eliminating the differences related to vulnerability or dependency. A decisive factor in realizing this project was its own database with students currently enrolled in recent years with numerous cases of young people from single-parent families, talented youths from disadvantaged families, Rroma youth and young adults with disabilities who attend to access higher education. The overall objective of the project was accomplished as it offered real opportunities for 208 youth in risk situations in order to overrun situations of abandon, vulnerability and risk and to increase social inclusion and personal development. PP managed to tackle concrete measures to ensured employability and access to the labour market and education of young students involved in the project. By the results of the activities implemented, the specific objectives have been achieved under the financing contract. The main results of the project are: improved opportunities to access education for young beneficiaries (additional courses were organised for training in priority areas of knowledge society in conjunction with the requirements of the labour market); inclusion on labour market (young people's access was facilitated at the legal practice in public and private entities); personal development (counselling and individualised support); social cohesion (young people have participated at round tables, workshops and national and international study tours) The impact for beneficiaries: the group cohesion created during the project is expressed through dialogue either directly or through other social networking; an increased self-esteem of young people marginalised who actively participate in activities organised by PP; inclusion on the labour market: from 208 direct beneficiaries of the project, 22.5% were integrated on the labour market during the implementation period. For the rest of beneficiaries there is potential for employment; school absenteeism: during the project implementation, the abandonment rate was 0% and over 80% of young people involved in the project continue their university studies.
Summary of bilateral results