Bistrita municipality is lacking sufficient community services for children from disadvantaged families. Most of the children from such families are Roma, with minimal chances of integration in society. The project targets the Roma community, grouped in villages Viisoara and Sarata (25% of the total population is Roma). In some cases, these children are involved in income producing activities from a young age, often on the fringes of legality. They are already from an early age at risk of exclusion and social marginalization. The main objective of the project is to strengthen local and social cohesion and reducing social disparities by implementing social and educational activities for children (main target group) and parents at risk in the Viisoara and Sarata communities.The objective will be achieved through activities dedicated to 158 children (out of which 124 children are Roma) such as “School after school” programs, counselling for children and families/guardians, as well as summer kindergarten services.
Summary of project results
In Bistrița municipality of it was found that school dropout tends to become a widespread phenomenon with negative connotations on the professional development of young people and social implications in their lives. In some cases and not few, the lack of family interest for education also determines the children's education. Considering the aspects mentioned above, it can be said that the implemented project came to support children from disadvantaged families in order to reduce inequality regarding the opportunities of these children towards other children with the same age, by counterbalancing educational, economic, social and cultural deficiencies, which adversely affects their social integration. The project had both a preventive approach (through counselling and guidance, developing a mechanism for collaboration among stakeholders, organising of educational programs, information campaigns) and a corrective approach (through education programs such as "school after school" and "summer kindergarten").The project results were shown in the first quarter by initiating activities program "School after school" for 144 students (56 students from secondary level and 88 students from primary level), which benefited from the program of formal and non-formal education. The educational program "Summer Kindergarten" involved preschoolers from the preparatory class and have not had a very good frequency or who have not attended kindergarten at all. Their activities targeted vocabulary, concepts and conduct training's on topics of personal hygiene. Through educational activities of the project resulting in reduced treatment discriminating against Rroma children, increasing interest in Rroma communities in education, reducing absenteeism and school dropping, keeping children in school and increased opportunities for training for life and independency. The results of counselings for parents and students were: improved family environment, decreased family aggression, improved relationship between beneficiaries of education by acknowledging the importance of education from parents and students, active participation of parents in monthly meetings with members of the implementation team, dissemination of information gained through these meetings.
Summary of bilateral results