Complex integrated services in Pianu

Project facts

Project promoter:
Pianu Commune
Project Number:
Target groups
Initial project cost:
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 304,707
The project is carried out in:


In the mountainous areas of Alba County, the great distance that children must travel in order to get to school combined with difficulties of travel, poverty and neglect by their parents, have contributed to increasing levels of school dropouts and absenteeism. Also, the lack of health services is a serious problem: two families of three treat their sick children at home without medical assistance. The main object of the project is to facilitate access to school and to sustain social inclusion for 400 children at risk (60 Roma children) from Alba County, by providing educational and social services, as well as medical care in the Day Care and Shelter Center (Strungari Village). Moreover, the project will include a social inclusion camp, an integrated model of socio-educational animation, a network of school assistance (10 schools from 6 communes and 3 cities), and a festival of outdoor play. 100 parents and 60 volunteers and specialists working with children will be involved in the activities.

Summary of project results

The project aimed to the increase social inclusion of the children at risk from Alba County, by proposing solutions to three important problems: the risk of school drop out of children from the mountain villages; the social marginalization of children at risk, both from the rural and urban areas and the lack of employees and volunteers working with children at risk. The project had 2 components: a stationary one in the Strungari village (belonging to Pianu Commune) and a mobile one (called the Socio-Educational Animation Caravan), whereby a multidisciplinary team (specialists and volunteers) provided scholar, social assistance services and socio-educational animation in 10 schools from 6 rural localities and 3 urban localities from Alba County which contributed to the increase of the social cohesion degree for 527 children at risk. In Strungari village, the Project Promoter rehabilitated a building, called ”Home in the mountains”, belonging to school, which mainly function as a boarding house for under-privileged children from the less accesible mountin areas and also installed a playground for them. There there were developed the main activities for about 70 children, like: afterschool activities, social and psychological counseling, scholar and profesional guidance. Another activity with a great impact was the Open-Air Festival ”Children Fortress” Alba Iulia, were 280 children were taken to visit the sights from Alba Iulia city. During the summer, there were organized two summer camps, one called "10 Day Careless Days"- a social inclusion camp for 142 children and a training camp for 20 volunteers to improve their skills as socio-educational animators. During the implementation period, there were also organized two certified courses, one as socio-educational animator and another as social educator, for specialists and volunteers that provided directly social services to children.

Summary of bilateral results