Young Romanians living in rural areas encounter many difficulties, and are at high risk of social exclusion, early school dropouts, poverty, parents' migration, violence and human trafficking, lack of jobs, poor sex education, unwanted pregnancies, sexually transmitted diseases, consumption of drugs and alcohol and juvenile delinquency. The main objective of the project is to improve the quality of living for 425 young people at risk of social exclusion, including Roma people, from the Iasi, Vaslui, Constanta and Mures counties, through provision of new and comprehensive services. The project will offer the opportunity for a pilot program for preventing, informing and diagnosing – a multidisciplinary mobile caravan – which will travel to 93 communes in Iasi County and 83 communes in Vaslui County, in order to offer services to 8.700 young people, 8.700 children and 1.740 parents/legal representatives from rural areas.
Summary of project results
The project represented the initiative of a group of 9 institutions, activating in the field of social services. They aimed at an integrated intervention approach with the goal of improving the quality of living and the access to social services for young people at risk of social exclusion from the Iasi, Vaslui, Constanta and Mures counties. At the basis for the project stayed the needs identified among young people of ages between 16-29 years: the increase in number of NEETs, low employment rate, major gaps in covering the needs of young people for social, educational and health services, especially in rural areas. The project intervened through:Developing a complex and integrated package of 10 new psychological and social services and offering comprehensive services for 619 young people at risk of social exclusion;Piloting a new services of prevention, information and diagnosis, entitled the multi-disciplinary mobile caravan, offering services to 13064 young people.The mobile teams developed information campaigns in rural areas, on the following topics: sexual and contraceptive education, prevention of sexually transmitted infections, preventing alcohol and drug use, preventing violence and human trafficking, parental education, preventing school abandonment, career orientation;Capacity building for 232 specialists from the social and educational fields, as well as the establishment of a functional intervention committee through referring social cases from the community towards the social services developed by the partners through the project. The results obtained contributed to increasing the number of beneficiaries accessing the activities on the project, to covering the needs for information on topics of interest for young people from rural areas from the two counties confronted with social issues, to increasing the level of credibility and visibility of the civil society sector, capacity building for NGOs, strengthening the public-private partnership.
Summary of bilateral results