The Romanian municipality of Coroieni Commune, Maramures County, is home to a large number of people at risk of social inclusion. Roma make up a large proportion of the population (434 inhabitants from a total of 2,168 people), particularly in Ponorata village. Many do not have access to jobs, medical care or utilities, and are highly dependent on the minimum guaranteed income (MIG). This situation has created the premises for local authorities to intervene, in order to increase social inclusion chances for the Ponorata community. The main objective of the project is the creation of a social inclusion center aiming to provide integrated services for children and young people at risk in order to increase access to formal and informal education, welfare, health and employment. In total, 80 children, 50 young people and 35 parents will be able to use and enjoy the services at the social center.
Summary of project results
According to data from the local authorities, Coroieni Commune (Maramureș County), had 20% Roma population in 2007, living in Ponorâta village and facing multiple challenges: segregation, poor living conditions, lack of sources of income, majority living of the social benefits, poor health and lack of health information and services. Children and youth living in the community are deprived of various primary needs and the access to education is difficult. Most of them attend the primary school in Ponorâta and then move to secondary school in Coroieni, but practicaly no Roma child has managed to graduate secondary schol, the most performant reaching only the VI-th grade. Absenteeism is high. The project aimed to improve the situation of children and youth at risk from Ponorâta village (Coroieni Commune) by facilitating the access to formal and non-formal education and achieve a higher degree of wellbeing. A daycentre has been rehabilitated (including with a new building – firewood storage room) and properly equipped in Ponorâta village, Coroieni Commune. A number of 140 children, out of 129 Roma, classes 0-IV, have benefited from support activities in the day centre: creativity development activities (artistic education, songs, poems); support for homework; socializing activities (behaviour rules in society, role plays); activities of promoting intercultural tolerance, respect of human rights; hygiene education activities; lunch at the Centre. A number of 62 youth, out of which 45 Roma, have received vocational counselling and guidance, development of independent living skills, training to gain competences useful on the labour market. 60 parents, all Roma, have benefitted from parental counselling, counselling on domestic violence, abuse and exploitation, promotion of human rights to combat discrimination and rasism. 18 specialists involved in the provision of support services, out of which 3 Roma, have received continous training for working with disadvantaged groups: quality standards in social services, diversification of services delivered to various beneficiaries, organisational management etc. The project contributed to promotion of social inclusion of children and youth at risk from Coroieni, improvement of skills necessary for independent living and integration on the labour market of young people from Coroieni and development of professional skills of staff involved in the provision of services.
Summary of bilateral results