Educational - Cultural Centre for Roma Citizens and Poor People in the Commune

Project facts

Project promoter:
Tiha Bargaului Commune
Project Number:
Target groups
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 152,406
The project is carried out in:


In the Tureac Village in Romania, around one fifth of the 2595 inhabitants are of Roma origin. One of the main problems identified in the Roma community is the low rate of participation of Roma children in formal education. The high rate of school absenteeism is a solid premise for school drop-outs. Children and young people are engaged in the household chores and accompanying parents picking berries to increase their revenues, leaving educational progress to suffer. The school is perceived as unnecessary by many parents. The main objective of the project is to reduce the educational and motivational differences among Roma and other Romanians by involving 85 children, most of them Roma, and 40 Roma young people in an integrated educational process (educational and recreational activities). Also, the project will support and encourage parental involvement. The main activities of the project consist of teachers’ training, educational and cultural activities and information campaigns on the importance of education.

Summary of project results

The project intervention in a small rural community was necessary and important to improve the access for children to education and to prevent school dropping. A research within this community regarding the situation of Rroma children revealed a major risk for school dropping. The main risk factors are the economic state of these poor families, lack of financial stability which leads to temporary work for a living instead of going to school. Most of the parents, young people and children consider school as not necessary or useful. There are some parents though, who consider school as being useful for learning professional skills, especially for boys. By implementing this project, The Project Promoter managed to achieve the main project objectives: 85 children from Tuarec village involved in an integrated educational process; 40 young people involved in educational activities; 85 parents involved in activities to support the educational process of their children. At the end of this project, an educational center was created in Tuarec village, built and equipped in order to provide educational activities for children, young people and parents; teachers were trained on teaching methods for intercultural activities, diversity etc; 85 children are direct beneficiaries of the educational activities developed at the center: doing homework, psychological counselling, developing personal skills, occupational therapy, etc. they also benefit of daily meals and school supplies; 40 young people are direct beneficiaries of services within the educational center, such as: informing activities, counselling, professional training, foreign languages training; 85 parents were direct beneficiaries of informing activities, individual counselling, meetings with other community members. The main activities of this projects will be continued by the Project Promoter for 5 years as assumed by the sustainability plan, with the following out-comes: educational progress for children in this community, increased school attending, increased access on labour market for young people at risk.

Summary of bilateral results