In the municipality of Budila, a great number of children and youth are living at risk of poverty and social exclusion. Most of them are belonging to poor Roma families. The main objective of the project is improving the situation of Roma children and young people by facilitating access to formal and non-formal education. By setting up a resource center for children and youth, 50 Roma pupils and 40 young Roma will be involved in integrated activities on education, personal development, complementary skills, and knowledge development in the field of ecology, community development, independent life skills as well as entrepreneurial skills. Also, 50 parents, will become aware of the importance of education for their children; 20 teachers and 15 specialists in education, social inclusion, and culture will benefit from training and seminars focused on multiculturalism, interculturalism, gender equality and social inclusion.
Summary of project results
The project was implemented in Budila Commune from Brasov County, a commune with a high percentage of Roma population. This was a complex project that wanted to improve the status of the Roma children and youth at risk from the community by designing activities for all the stakeholders of the educational process, children, youth, parents and teachers. The project aimed to facilitate children and youth access to formal and non-formal education within the resource center newly created throughout project period. During the project implementation period 50 children and 20 high school youths were involved in formal and non-formal activities, such as: remedial activities at the main scholar subjects (mathematics and Romanian language), IT and foreign language courses, ecological and civic and entrepreneurial education, psychological counselling, summer camps and so on. 40 youths were career counseled in order to find out their abilities and skills for a better integration on the labor market, also they participated in IT and foreign languages courses. Regarding the teachers and social and school mediators, 20 persons were trained during 2 non-formal sessions about solving intercultural problems and cultural diversity and multiculturalism. Also, there were organized good practice exchanges with others specialists from Brasov County. The involvement of the parents (66) increased after they were provided with support services, counselling and were taking part in common activities with their children. During the implementing period, the project was visible through promoting activities, such web site promoting and local media and promoting materials. The main goals of the project are achieved; throughout the project, children and youth at risk were helped to reduce their educational gaps in order to facilitate their social integration by providing them all the human capital and materials, including a hot meal at the Resource Center created.
Summary of bilateral results