Strengthening anti-discriminatory measures at national level through the participation of professionals and civil society

Project facts

Project promoter:
The National Council for Combating Discrimination
Project Number:
Target groups
Civil servants/Public administration staff,
Non governmental organisation
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 313,552
The project is carried out in:


The project is supporting anti-discriminatory measures in Romania by designing a policy framework and measures for anti-discrimination, which contribute to reducing inequalities at national level. For this purpose, the project identifies the level to which discrimination is perceived by the population, evaluates the former national strategy and the existing tools used for its implementation and monitoring, and develops the new Romanian anti-discrimination strategy (2014-2020) in a participatory manner by involving national institutions, civil society, and foreign experts. Additionally, the project targets a pool of 300 professionals (magistrates, school inspectors, teachers, police officers) to be trained in applying anti-discrimination measures, and a media campaign oriented towards anti-discrimination and promotion of social inclusion to be developed. The partner (Council of Europe) provides knowledge and expertise, particularly concerning the requirements and standards on human rights and fundamental freedoms.

Summary of project results

Two out of three Romanians consider it an actual problem that occurs often in Romania. The dominant perception regarding groups that are discriminated against in Romania refers, mainly, to people with HIV/AIDS (65%), to people addicted to drugs (57%) or people with physical or psychical disabilities (55-56%). The low level of education, the lack of a proper informing regarding discrimination, indifference or lack of care that people have towards other peers represent reasons that aggravates the occurrence of discrimination phenomenon in Romania. The project aimed at increasing the level of awareness regarding the discrimination phenomenon in Romania and supporting the development of a national antidiscrimination strategy, with a large participation of stakeholders, based on European standards. Among the results of the project are: a study on examples of good practice at European level in education; a survey on perceptions, attitudes and expectations about discrimination; an external evaluation of the national anti-discrimination strategy 2007-2013; a flexible and coherent antidiscrimination strategy for the period 2017-2021, including adequate tools, methods and policies to effectively manage the discrimination phenomenon in Romania; 525 professionals trained on anti-discrimination (225 magistrates, 42 school inspectors, 90 school staff, 26 police officers, 71 prison officers, 71 gendarmes); 19 specialists participated in a study visit in Strasbourg/France (14 magistrates and 5 representatives NCCD); development and distribution of audio and video spots; developing a website of the project /of antidiscrimination platform; increased awareness on the new challenges in the dynamics of the discrimination phenomenon in the Romanian society, at national and local level; better prepared professionals to deal with anti-discrimination of vulnerable groups.

Summary of bilateral results

The CoE's contribution was relevant and decisive for achieving the objectives and results of the project, strengthening the PP's capacity to deal with specific issues. CoE experts developed, in 2015, a study "Non-discrimination in educational system-examples of good practice at European level" which shows 28 examples from European countries. CoE provided two experts in order to assist NCCD in evaluating the old strategy and drafted a report including recommendations for the future strategy. CoE experts participated in debates with NGOs and institutions interested in the issue of discrimination and the two documents designed by CoE were used as tools by the working group that contributed to designing of the antidiscrimination strategy. CoE participated also with experts in training delivery, organized the visit of 14 Romanian expert in Strasbourg/France and was present to the events promoting the project.