Preparation! Abilities! Training! Young mothers in underprivileged communities!

Project facts

Project promoter:
People's Development Foundation Cluj
Project Number:
Target groups
People at risk of poverty
Initial project cost:
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 65,081
The project is carried out in:


The project intervene in to marginalized Roma communities living in precarious conditions, at subsistence level, whose traditions are based on starting a family an an early age, as early marriages encouraged. The overall objective is ensure equal opportunities for young mothers and minor mothers to be from the Roma communities in Pata Rat (Cluj) and Cojasca (Dambovita) who are at risk. The project implementation leads to improve quality of life for young pregnant mothers and children as well as raising a awareness regarding pregnancy, starting a family and the risks involved in making this decisions. By partnering with two public institutions we are raising the level of responsibilities of the local authorities on issues like segregation, lack of opportunities for this communities, demanding the adoptions of strategies regarding the integration of people living in poverty with no prospects for education, health and housing condition. The main objective of the project is to assure the equality of chances for the young mothers in marginalized Roma communities on the risk situation of raising and caring their young children, information access, conciliation, medical services for mothers and for children. Benefits expected of this project is assurance the basic social services for the Roma people and also to sustainable development.

Summary of project results

The project was implemented in two marginalised communities from Pata Rat, Cluj and Cojasca, Dambovita, where the phenomenon of early marriage and pregnancy at an early age is a harsh reality that they face every day. Pata Rat community is a sensitive issue at the local level, taking into account the socio-economic context of extremely poor families living there. The proximity of the landfill, housing conditions, unsanitary conditions and lack of parental education are elements that have a huge impact on the quality of life of children and youth from the community. In Cojasca community, pregnancy occurs shortly after the marriage and girls become mothers at 15-16 years. Given that they did not continue school, but got married and became pregnant, they are totally dependent of their partner and his family and in a general position of vulnerability. The project aimed at ensuring equal opportunities for the young girls and mothers of the two communities. It ensured access to health care, information, counselling, health education and life skills development. In the process of social assistance, beneficiaries had access to these services, in order to develop their knowledge base and education especially in terms of growth and childcare. Therefore, individual and group counselling sessions, support groups and Parents' School programme led to easier access to information, guidance, and implicitly, to advice on husbandry, care and child education, hygiene, health etc. Providing or facilitating access to medical counselling and medical services for both mothers and children brought a considerable improvement on their health. Children aged up to three years benefited from the monthly formula milk powder and weekly diapers. These activities led to reducing malnutrition, increasing quality of life and maintaining optimal health conditions. The most important result of the project is the increased quality of life and the improved health of children and mothers. The project also ensured the participation of community members at information sessions, making them accountable for pregnancy at early ages. Adolescents and youths from the community were motivated to work on health education.

Summary of bilateral results