Volunteer for active citizenship. Awareness and practice of civil rights

Project facts

Project promoter:
Support and Training Centre for Development of a Fair Society
Project Number:
Target groups
Non governmental organisation,
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 30,575
The project is carried out in:


The project aims to attract at least 15 volunteers and 15 new members who will support actions to raise awareness in the Romanian society members on civil rights guaranteed to them by law and their performance limits and spirit of the law. Results: A campaign to promote active citizenship, community online dissemination 150 volunteers for the campaign, four workshops with police and teachers, a guide to active citizenship, volunteer recruiter courses delivered to 50 people from NGOs. Target group: members of Romanian society. The project will raise awareness on civil rights in the society and will encourage active involvement in terms of their performance and prevent abuses such individuals to other individuals and state institutions.

Summary of project results

The project started from the premise that the Romanian society members do not fully exercise their rights, as EU citizens. Although they have begun to react to political inputs, their involvement in the communities in which they live day by day is still very low. The project aimed to draw a warning and show members of communities models of intervention, in order to improve the quality of life at community level. Some tools were created and piloted. This led to the achievement of the indicators proposed: an online community that will later generate civic actions was created, and the initiation of two partnerships with representatives of the Police and School, which are two vital institutions in the process of exercising civil rights, was concluded; four seminars with 40 representatives of the Police and School were organized. An open lesson on participatory active citizenship was generated and presented to secondary school students. 33 people joined the project team, in order to continue the efforts in promoting active citizenship (16 new members, 17 volunteers). Thus, the number of members of the association has increased from 4 to 37 members, which is very significant. Promotional materials were published and disseminated: a comparative legal study covering eight major issues of socio-civic involvement in the community and an active citizenship guide, which will be the association's reference to socio-civic following interventions.

Summary of bilateral results