Think outside the..... Stigma

Project facts

Project promoter:
Save the Children Association Iasi
Project Number:
Target groups
Children ,
Civil servants/Public administration staff
Initial project cost:
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 74,399
The project is carried out in:


Think outside ... Stigma! Project proposed by Save the Children Iasi Branch in the context of the absence of a coherent national strategy regarding children's mental health disorder, deficiency that increases the risk of social exclusion and stigmatization of them. In Moldova region, the idea to develop active measures for social inclusion and education of children with mental health disorder, will bring in the project: 105 schools that will run anti-stigma education program; 210 teachers trained and involved in the development of this program; 2120 children and 1050 parents involved in anti-stigma education program activities; 2100 teachers informed. The direct participation of students and parents, the teachers skills development to encourage inclusion, acceptance in schools and communities, through direct participation of representatives of institutions responsible for social and educational inclusion of children with mental health problems will bring a significant reduction of the exclusion and discrimination for these children.

Summary of project results

"Think outside the... Stigma!" project aimed to develop active measures for social inclusion and education of children with mental health disorder (ADHD, anxiety, autistic spectrum disorders) in Moldova region, in order to increase their access to education and the level of their social acceptance. Thus, there were developed and implemented 126 anti-stigma programmes by 214 trained teachers from 107 schools in seven districts of Moldova. Through the anti-stigma programmes, skills regarding accepting differences were developed; 4,303 children and 2,613 parents were informed about the behavioural characteristics of children with emotional and mental health disorders like ADHD, anxiety or autism. Also, 2,548 teachers were informed about acceptance of differences and integration of children who manifest disorders in the field of mental health. 6,022 students participated in awareness raising activities regarding social and educational inclusion of children with mental health disorders. 3 regional consultations with 105 representatives of public institutions, NGOs and parents of children with mental health disorders were organised, contributing to the elaboration of a policy paper encouraging quick implementation of procedures and actions for implementing the National Strategy for mental health of child and adolescent 2015-2020. The regional conference "Active measures of anti-stigma response and best practices in implementing anti-stigma programmes in schools" popularized the actions and results of anti-stigma programmes implemented in schools and facilitated the exchange of experiences and best practices among 138 participants.

Summary of bilateral results