Summary of project results
There is a strong demand at national level, coming from a significant part of teachers, parents and students, for introducing gardening practices in the regular school activity, completing the few existing means of nonformal learning with outdoor practical activities. Worldwide, gardening has been used since the early nineteenth century for educational purposes. It manages to combine mathematics, geography, entomology, botany and drawing, landscaping and aesthetic arrangement of the garden, manual labour and physical education in preparing and maintaining the garden, small household economy in order to grow the necessary plants. While gardening, children learn about teamwork, responsibility, creativity and personal development in a nonformal environment, different from the classroom. The intent of the project was to create innovative spaces and learning tools in Romania, so that children can learn about gardening in school's garden. The project provided training for 153 teachers, adults and volunteers involved in education through gardening and for 125 students (youth and children) in protecting and regenerating the environment through gardening. Throughout the project, 31 adults and 604 students have developed specific gardening skills. 8 pilot projects, consisting of learning spaces through gardening practice, were implemented. A summer camp was organised for the children who participated in pilot projects, involving nine adults and 53 children aged 6 to 18 years old. The project promoted the introduction of practical learning methods for environmental protection and regeneration based on permaculture principles in formal and/or informal educational structures. Two manuals, nine guides and worksheets were elaborated and published, all detailing themes and activities related to gardening as a tool for learning, teaching about practical gardening. An online support platform was developed serving as a learning tool for all teachers, children and parents that are or will be interested to develop gardening projects -