First Aid Centers and trained volunteers in localities with no medical services - “Your hands can save a life”

Project facts

Project promoter:
National Society of Red Cross from Romania Suceava Subsidiary
Project Number:
Target groups
Young adults
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 32,039
The project is carried out in:


“Your hands can save a life” is a project aiming to develop the volunteers’ network of Suceava Red Cross for solving the problem of localities lacking a medical unit, in the county. The priority focuses on 7 localities with more than 1400 inhabitants and schools with more than 150 pupils where no single person is able to give basic first aid. Objective: Consolidating the role of Applicant as a center of volunteer resources in the health and life protection sector, based on a multi-institutional partnership, contributing to:-establishing 21 first aid points with 28 accredited volunteers and the necessary logistics-founding 7 crews (42 pupils), named “The Skilled First Aid-ers” in the target localities. The project develops competencies of the new volunteers during specific courses (European recognision), 2 health-themed camps, organizing The Day of First Aid, preparing the pupils for a national competition.Results:21 points first aid,7 crews, 70 people able to apply first aid techniques,1 partnership with key actors.Target groups:14 teachers,14 citizens,42 pupils. Beneficiaries:12000 citizens from targeted localities,16 partner institutions.

Summary of project results

The Project "Your hands can save a life!" offered a solution to 7 localities and municipalities in the county of Suceava (localities with over 1,400 inhabitants, schools and kindergartens with at least 150 children) with no professional healthcare and no people prepared to offer even premedical first aid. During the implementation 21 First Aid Centers were set up (for each locality - 1 center in school and 2 centers in private households), administered by 30 people trained during the project. Moreover, in the 7 target schools "Skilled First Aiders" ("Sanitarii priceputi") clubs were created, involving at least 42 students. Trainings recognized at European level, with a total of 12 hours, were delivered to administrators of First Aid Centers. Thematic camps aiming at initiating in the techniques of first aid students, adult volunteers and coordinators of "Skilled First Aiders" camps were organised - 2 days camps, attended by 56 people. Medical mannequins for the cardio-respiratory massage, printed and digital information materials and clothing equipment for volunteers (jackets and caps) were delivered to the centers and clubs established. Each "Skilled First Aiders" club had at least 5 activities until the end of the project, sometimes having as participants all students of the school; they helped shaping pro-health attitudes in the communities – prevention of diseases and accidents as well as building general knowledge of first aid techniques. In the target communities can be noticed, at the end of the project, a climate of certain security when emergencies that may affect health occur. A crucial issue that offers sustainability to the project is the partnership between municipalities and schools and the initial partners (Red Cross Suceava and Suceava County School Inspectorate): it is bringing together the project volunteers in the Red Cross network of volunteers, cultivating a close relationship between members based on trust and mutual support and benefiting of institutional support at local level.

Summary of bilateral results