Let’s combat the Roma poverty and exclusion

Project facts

Project promoter:
Apollo Resource Center Association
Project Number:
Target groups
Initial project cost:
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 62,926
The project is carried out in:
Sud - Muntenia


The project proposes a number of measures, as pilot initiatives, in the counties of 4 different regions of Romania, to identify the current degree of poverty and exclusion of Roma and develop county plans against poverty and combating exclusion of Roma. The county plans will be made at county level based on Romanian Government Strategy for improving the situation of Roma and can be developed as measures that should be implemented by the authorities and civil society to combat poverty, also to address the causes of social exclusion of Roma. The main results expected: • Identify the degree of poverty and social exclusion of Roma in 4 counties • 20 experts and Roma activists involved in public policy on Roma; • 4 county plans to combat poverty and social exclusion of Roma developed and included in the County Plan for Roma based on Romanian Government Strategy for improving the situation of Roma; • advocacy campaigns in 4 counties in order to implement county plans for combating poverty and social exclusion.

Summary of project results

Current research from Romania presents a grim picture of poverty and exclusion of Roma. Thus, the Roma in Romania are poor, vulnerable and socially excluded, which severely limits their opportunities to contribute to Romania's economic growth and common prosperity. The project proposed a series of objectives, which pilot initiatives in different districts in four regions of Romania, to identify the scale of poverty and exclusion of the Roma in the moment and making county plans against poverty and tackle Roma exclusion. These objectives were met and were performed at the 4 counties first county plans to combat poverty and exclusion of the Roma nationally. In the first phase were selected 20 experts and Roma activists from four different counties of the country (Buzau, Iasi, Olt, and Prahova) who were working in four county teams. The 20 experts were trained in public policy and advocacy for Roma in the implementation of public policies. With the support of their research was performed under the name "Diagnosis of poverty and social exclusion of Roma in Buzau, Iasi, and Olt, Prahova". The diagnosis presents a series of recommendations for harmonizing action plans on combating poverty and social exclusion in the counties of Buzau, Iasi, Prahova and Olt. Based on research results, county teams have initiated a series of discussions at meetings of the Working Groups Joint Roma County Offices for Roma with county institutions and Roma organizations to initiate measures to be included in the county plans to combat poverty and social exclusion. 4 county plans have been developed to combat poverty and social exclusion of Roma who comprise over 40 measures to combat poverty and social exclusion of the 4 counties, which were included in each county action plan for improving the situation of Roma. Have been organized advocacy campaigns directed at authorities / institutions with responsibilities in the implementation of county plans to combat poverty and social exclusion of Roma. Specific advocacy activities pursued awareness of local authorities and public institutions to ensure the implementation of taking measures in the anti-poverty county plans.

Summary of bilateral results