Theatre and life!

Project facts

Project promoter:
Association for Intercultural Dialogue
Project Number:
Target groups
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 35,556
The project is carried out in:


Discrimination is a problem and the crisis inside the educational system doesn't offer efficient methods of alternative education; through this project handled by APDI, the students belonging to the discriminated groups and to the majority will achieve the following objectives: To realize the necessity of respecting human rights and the European democratic values; To experiment the active citizenship through volunteering by means of specific ability development of the theater of the oppressed; To encourage the participants involvement - both actors and spectators to combat the discrimination, the extremism and the hate speech through theater; To stimulate the young people from the target group and to train them as multipliers in order to promote the social justice in their high-schools; Thanks to the project , students from beneficiary high-schools will realize the necessity of respecting human rights and will take action when their rights or the others' will be violated.

Summary of project results

The problem of discrimination, together with the crisis in the educational system, prove the need of efficient methods of alternative education that need to be used in today's Romanian school system. Through the project “Theatre and Life”, the students from the target group were able to realise the necessity of respecting human rights and the European democratic values and to experiment the active citizenship through volunteering by means of "theatre of the oppressed" classes and performances. The project encouraged participants' involvement - both actors and spect-actors - to combat discrimination, extremism and hate speech through unconventional theatre performances, and finally to become themselves multipliers of the messages rendered to them through trainings and theatre performing classes, so as they could promote those messages of tolerance and acceptance inside their own highschools. The students from the target group belonging to the three beneficiary highschools participated in a training module called “Actors and Spect-actors“. The training helped them understand the necessity of respecting human rights and learn to act when their rights or the rights of others are violated. Through their performances, both the actors and the spect-actors learned how to take attitude against discrimination, against homophobia, racism, xenophobia, against hate speech, in general. The project had a great impact on the target group, on the students of beneficiary schools as well as on the local communities where their performances took place. The students performed an invisible theatre act, in Timisoara, taking attitude against discrimination of people from roma ethnic groups and against domestic violence. In Cluj, students performed social theatre, acting against the discrimination of LGBT community and in Iasi they performed forum theatre, celebrating The International Day of Tolerance. In Bucharest, students performed statue theatre for the International Day of Human Rights and for The International Day of Remembrance of Victims of the Holocaust. The main benefit of the project was that the students from the beneficiary schools learned how to use different forms of unconventional theatre in order to teach people around them how to act when human rights are violated, changing attitudes and behaviours. They formed theatre companies in their schools, acting as multipliers after the end of the project.

Summary of bilateral results