The project deals with the problem of social housing and the allotment thereof, proposing to increase the transparency of the process as to improve its efficiency and efficacy. At the moment the process is sluggish and opaque making it unapproachable, especially by vulnerable categories that could benefit from it, and increasing specific risks, e.g. homelessness. The project will analyse the challenges and vulnerabilities facing the social housing allotment process in the 6 districts of Bucharest and make recommendations and proposals for improvements. Also, the project aims to bring the potential beneficiaries of the social housing system closer to it, by facilitating access to the allotment process. An innovative element of the project is the development of an online platform enabling easy and interactive access to all data related to social housing allotment, e.g. allocation criteria, required documents, process timing. The platform will be developed so that any person in Bucharest will be able to calculate his/her probabilities to receive social housing, according to the predefined specific criteria set by each local authority.
Summary of project results
The project dealt with the problem of social housing and the allotment thereof, proposing the transparency and accessibility of the entire circuit of social housing allotment system. It provided an overview and a comparative look on the challenges and vulnerabilities found in the districts of Bucharest and delivered a series of recommendations and proposals for implementing this policy at the local level. Furthermore, the project tried to bring citizens - the potential beneficiaries of the social housing system - closer to it, facilitating transparency and access to the allotment procedures. An innovative element of the project was the online platform that enables easy and interactive access to all data related to the process of allocating social housing: the allocation criteria, documents required, timing for submitting files, display of results etc. The platform also includes one online tool which helps any person calculate his/her possibility to receive social housing, according to predefined criteria set by local authorities for each district. The development of the online platform was followed by the establishment of a network with the aim of promoting the platform and the innovative online tool, by organising meetings with representatives from each district municipality and from the directorates related to the allotment process, as well as with representatives from the NGOs with activities in the social assistance and vulnerable people fields. Moreover, a policy paper on social housing policies at local level, containing a comparative perspective of the six sectors, was developed and promoted. Last but not least, the project involved the development of a mechanism for monitoring the public policies on social housing and the improvements/irregularities registered in terms of transparency and accessibility of the allotment process.
Summary of bilateral results