In the Tur River Protected Areas there are considerable problems related to the conservation of the valuable grasslands. The problems are direct consequences of former social-, economical- and cultural changes, which concluded to the loss of traditional knowledge on land use. The main objective of this project is to ensure a long term natural and landscape value conservation in the protected areas. The project is expected to increase and also to ensure the grasslands value conservation by introducing new and proper methods of grassland usage to local grassland managers and owners. Through the project at least 20 hectares of grasslands will be improved, at least 2 km of tree alley and 20 tree-groups with 7000 saplings will be established, and will be elaborated a study containing grassland management and conservation measures for grassland managers. Also for them, a training seminar and a study visit/ experience exchange will be organized. These methods will take into account both the economical needs of the owners, managers and the conservational needs of the nature. The main beneficiaries are the citizens of 12 townships from the protected areas.
Summary of project results
The project tackled issues that threaten the natural and landscape values of the natural meadows of the Tur River Protected Areas. The project was needed as a result of the socio-economic and cultural changes of the last decades, which led to: a) the disappearance of traditional methods of using meadows (that contributed in the past to the conservation of habitats and valuable species of animals and plants); b) the appearance of new, intensive, environmentally unfriendly methods to use meadows; c) the ignorance of modern methods that could be adapted so they may follow the requirements of protecting natural and landscape values. Within the project, a botanical study was elaborated, with maps of the present state of the meadows in the Tur River Protected Areas, as well as a zoological study regarding the usage of the wetlands by the black stork (Ciconia nigra). The nests of storks were identified in the Tur River Protected Areas and in order to monitor the birds, satellite transmitters were set on 2 black storks and one white stork. One of the storks having the transmitter was poached. Since even the forest rangers conduct illegal forestry activities during black stork’s breeding period, thus representing a continuous threat for these extremely rare birds, 10 camera traps were purchased and placed in the most important key habitats of black storks. They helped in monitoring the poaching and other illegal activities. These cameras can take pictures, time-lapse and videos, both during daylight, as well as in the dark (in the infrared spectral range) and are easy to disguise. In order to support meadow owners, a mini-guide presenting the sustainable management of meadows in the Tur River Protected Areas was drafted, which introduced the sustainable management methods of meadows, in an approachable way. At the same time, a mowing machine was purchased and used for activities protecting nature, such as demonstrative interventions for removing the unwanted vegetation (from the pilot 20 ha meadow). The mowing machine was available for the meadow managers during the implementation period and it can be also used after the end of the project. During the 3 planting actions, a total of 7100 trees were planted, providing a forest shelterbelt of 3300 metres and 20 clusters. Through this project’s actions, the target group’s awareness was raised regarding the efficiency of the identified methods and part of the target area was improved.
Summary of bilateral results