The project Open Society Reports – Open Public Data in Romania addresses the issue of open data, looking both at the general policy framework and at the application in specific sectors (such as public procurement, public budgets, education and culture). Open data are the most recent international standard and framework defining the transparency component of good governance. In Romania, the legal framework was set through the Action Plan for Open Government Partnership (2011), and the establishment of a governmental structure responsible with OGP implementation creates new opportunities for advocacy. However, there is an important knowledge and expertise gap, which limits the progress. The main beneficiaries are decision-makers and public servants from the institutions responsible with the implementation of open data policies, and the representatives of NGOs that advocate for transparency and good governance. The project’s activities are: a series of five policy briefs and a similar number of round tables; capacity building; and sustained public communication using various methods.
Summary of project results
The project "Open Society Reports – Open Public Data in Romania" addressed the issue of open government, looking both at the general policy framework and at the application in specific sectors. Open government represents the most recent international standard and framework defining the transparency component of good governance. However, many countries face important knowledge and expertise gaps, which limit the progress. The project answered the need for knowledge and used the existing opportunities in order to raise awareness and encourage the debate related to open government and open data. The main objectives of the project were to transfer the knowledge from civil society to the public institutions and decision makers, and to strengthen the capacity of the Foundation for an Open Society to influence the policies in this area. It achieved the objectives through a mix of research and advocacy activities and results: five policy papers, nine public events, and permanent presence in the public space with expert advice. The reports issued addressed: open governance (which was included in the open data guide by the government), open education, open culture (which led to an agreement between the Culture Minister, the General Secretary of the government and the promoter) and open access, which also led to public reactions by the Scientific Research Agency. During the project lifetime, key public officials, starting with the President and the Prime-Minister, repeatedly assumed the open government agenda, either by public declarations or by participating to project’s activities. The open government priority not only survived the change of government that Romania went through, but was adopted as key priority by the new Cabinet.
Summary of bilateral results